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  1. Venti de Milo

    Beijing Olympic 2008

    I'm surprised there's no thread about this big event...what's the matter, not a sporty bunch? I can't wait for the opening ceremony. It's going to be the best ever for sure. I'm rooting for China to win it all because I'm just so sick of the Western media only showing the negatives about...
  2. Venti de Milo

    TTC Pauses

    Does anyone find it very annoying when the bus/streetcar/train pauses at certain stops? St Claire West bus, at the final stop, at Keele, I don't understand in the morning that after they get there, they DON'T go back for awhile. There are so many buses there, yet, they are lining up 2, 3, 4...
  3. Venti de Milo

    Is term 'Canadian' used as racist word?

    FYI, I'm a non-Canadian Canadian. But my hair and my eyes are Canadian though. I also have Canadian Canadian friends. Canadian Canadians are considered a minority...but many non-Canadian Canadians are minorities too. Get it? Damn, that's confusing...
  4. Venti de Milo

    Australia issues travel warning against Canada

    I never crazy about the Aussies...this makes me don't like them even more. Oz is off my list of countries I want to visit. from CTV A website run by the Australian government...
  5. Venti de Milo

    And You Think Our Syst is F*ed Up?

    Man wrongly jailed for three years charged £7,000 by Home Office for 'board and lodging' Wrongly jailed after a woman cried rape, Warren Blackwell applied for compensation for his three wasted years in prison. Torn from his family and sent to languish in jail as a convicted sex...
  6. Venti de Milo

    Canadian Music Hall of Fame: What happened to it?

    Has MHoF gone Hall of Shame already? I've not heard anything about it? Sam is the ideal location IMO.
  7. Venti de Milo

    HIV Test

    Can anyone tell me where can I get a HIV test? Drop in clinic or HIV test clinic is preferred. I've check with family doctor before, but don't like it. And what do I have to tell them? Do I need to tell them when was the last time I had sex? Too much info? Thanks
  8. Venti de Milo

    Israeli Music

    Can anyone tell me where can I find some Hebrew music? I tried HMV and they only have so small collection. To be specific, I am looking for music from Harel Skaat. He's absolutely gorgeous, and a great voice too :P Check him out on YouTube and you will know what I mean. Any idea where I...
  9. Venti de Milo

    Driving Law Question

    I have a situation here: My friend doesn't have car insurance and his license is currently under suspension, and he hits another, he says he needs to pay the victim (whose car got hit) few thousands of dollars. He can't call the police, because he's considered driving "illegally"...
  10. Venti de Milo

    Go Sens Go!

    Can the Ottawa Senators finally do it to win the Stanley Cup? I hope so! They always sucked during the playoffs...but this year, wow, what a different! 3 years ago, Calgary almost won it, but choked at the end. Last year, Edmonton almost won it, but choked at the end. I just hope the...
  11. Venti de Milo

    Where in the world would you live?

    Ok, this is not a poll, more like a survey. If you can live ANYWHERE in this world, where would you like to live and why? I've travelled to many places and to be honest, not many places in the world I'd want to live or can. I love Paris, Venice, Rome etc. It's nice to visit, but I don't...
  12. Venti de Milo

    Barcelona III

    Another Antonio Gaudi creation, Park Guell, I call it the Gingerbread House :) Casa Mila, another famous Antonio Gaudi's Inside Casa Mila The famous rooftop of Casa Mila Casa Batllo, by whoelse? Antonio Gaudi of course.
  13. Venti de Milo

    Barcelona II

    Olympic 1992 Olympic 1992 Flame Torch The Olympic Village has turned into a hotel & casino right at the waterfront I believe that "fish" was created by Frank Gehry Another famous creation by Antonio Gaudi, the Casa Mila Antonio Gaudi's unfinished Masterpiece, La Sangara Familia...
  14. Venti de Milo

    Barcelona I

  15. Venti de Milo

    Four Seasons Centre

    Toronto Opera House
  16. Venti de Milo

    TTC Customer Service

    I'm sure this thread will grow... May 10/07 - rush hour 5:30pm-ish, destination, Keele Station. The train got stuck at the Spadina stop (green line). It didn't move for about 10 minutes. All we got was ONE annonucement about something happened at Christie. The volume was so low, and we...
  17. Venti de Milo

    TV Show: Heroes

    Have anyone here watched a little tv show called Heroes? I'm so addicted to it. Best show on TV right now...
  18. Venti de Milo


    Ok, first of all, I'm all cool with the talk about environment etc. But is it just me or do lately, wherever you go, whatever you see on's all about GREEN, GREEN, GREEN? I'm getting sick of it. Cars are planning to go Green All the political parties have plans about Green City...
