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  1. U

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Wait, what?
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    Calgary Flames Official Thread

    I'm holding out hope for a jersey retirement and renaming of 13th Avenue (within Stampede Park) on opening day of the new arena.
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    Calgary | Macleod - Heritage | 20m | 6s | Deveraux | Gibbs Gage

    Bonzai Waterslide Ad I only ever recall driving by and seeing the top of the slides, were they really as dangerous as I've heard? Also I seem to recall hearing that warehouse just north was an all ages night club at some point?
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Retractable turf is a mostly proven (, retractable seating, or something that could convert into something similar to the infield seating that exists today, shouldn't be overly complicated. I recall someone on this forum plotting...
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    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit This screams 1 of 2 things to me, entering east of city hall or at grade through the center of downtown, take it or leave it, which seemed to be the consensus of what the UCP...
  6. U

    Calgary | Sydney | 21m | 6s | Morrison Homes | NORR

    I miss that registry. I live on the other end of the city and still consider going out of my way for it. They would just fly through people, compared to the hours I've spent at other registries, even with appointments.
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    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    I use google maps exclusively, but my wife using apple maps and it seems like, on a regular basis, maybe 5-10% of the time apple maps just gets something completely wrong.
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    Calgary | Trellis Affordable Housing Bowness | 18m | 5s | LOLA

    I'm really curious which election they are convinced Nenshi stole... or if they think Gondek and Nenshi are the same person...
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    East Village: Success or a long ways away yet?

    Just to add, there is proof within Alberta that a housing first strategy works. Sounds like MH has had a bit of a back slide since they declared they had ended chronic homelessness, everywhere has post...
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    Water-cooler discussion thread

    What's up with these 2 buildings being nearly identical.,-114.0583061,3a,60y,243.3h,120.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBOFjy7JMPMKdbNBbIVw4Kw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkzMC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D...
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Someone taking design cues from the Tank Library I see.
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    The erosion in character in Rosedale was occurring well before the blanket rezoning restrictions but the discussion around restrictive covenants has only picked up since then...
  13. U

    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Except that when provided with the analysis that was completed you don't like the outcome. I'd argue you want to overweight deliverability, considering financial capacity is also already included. The work was done, it just doesn't fit with your perceived best outcome. Take out community well...
  14. U

    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    How much will a ticket cost for a Flames game at the new event center? How much will a ticket to ride the Greenline cost? The issue with the funding the event center vs the Greenline is who benefits.
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    Calgary Car Thread

    Hahaha, I've told my wife she will find out we won the lottery when that car is on the driveway.
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    Calgary | Place 800 | 68m | 17s | Peoplefirst

    Is the Rio still open? Feel like I should go once in my life before it's shuttered.
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    Calgary | BMO Centre Expansion | 25m | 5s | CMLC

    By the Banks on the Bow actually has 3 interpretive signs!
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    Calgary's Homeless

    What these faux-vancourites from Marda Loop will never understand is that any solution that doesn't work for 100% of people everytime isn't worth implementing. Forget the results that Medicine Hat have seen with their housing first strategy or that they explicitly stated "it is virtually...
