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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. Omega Prime

    Edmonton City Centre Mall (Renovations) | ?m | 2s | LaSalle Investment Management

    I actually live quite close to this, and had no idea. I'm going to check this out!!
  2. Omega Prime

    Old Strathcona / Whyte Avenue

    Looking at that picture of 81st avenue on the previous page, It's incredible how much is given to road traffic in what otherwise could be a fantastic stretch of pedestrian and micro-transit options. When I lived in Edmonton I loved walking the area between Gateway Boulevard and 99th St. between...
  3. Omega Prime

    Edmonton summer festivals

    I no longer live in Edmonton and I miss Fringe the most out of the festivals. Really sucks it wasn't around as normal the last couple of years either, I've had some memorable visits and seeing great performances that I wish I could go back and do again. You folks are lucky to have such a...
  4. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Blue Chicago Redevelopment | ?m | 29s | Alldritt Land | KENNEDY

    I will always associate Aldritt properties with white picket fences and Mike Nickel signs. Both of which I loathe.
  5. Omega Prime

    Edmonton Real Estate Market

    I recently purchased a home in Toronto. It's a double whammy cost if you live directly in the GTA, as you have to pay it TWICE - once to the province, once to the city (or at least I think that was the breakdown). We definitely had to figure it into the initial capital expenditure. The ironic...
  6. Omega Prime


    I would leave cheaper parking to the employers (e.g. paying for parking spaces) as an incentive to come downtown and work - at least more often. I like the idea of cheaper parking in general, but it really depends on the parking areas and if you're going to do that, it should be a...
  7. Omega Prime


    * Island Grill enters the chat in shambles *
  8. Omega Prime


    But its not semantics when, among other things, one of the schools you listed is literally not a school. That's a pretty marked departure than just 'semantics'. The rest are not K-12 schools in the same way we are thinking about the new school approach in the Toronto condo. Similar schools to...
  9. Omega Prime


    Isn't Centre High an upgrading institution? I don't think it's a 'normal' high school? McKay School is a museum. Hasn't been a school since 1983. Still not sure I see a public K-6 option south of 107 Ave in the immediate vicinity other than Oliver?
  10. Omega Prime


    With the way things are going for downtowns, I don't see it taking a lifetime to get a school in a space like that. There's going to have to be some serious outside-the-box thinking to get people to invest time and lifestyle into the core. Schools are definitely one of them to attract young...
  11. Omega Prime

    Downtown Real Estate

    Uccellino/Bar Bricco/Corso 32 is the best tandem of restaurants/bar in a stretch in the city and I'll fist fight anyone over this 🤜🤜🤜
  12. Omega Prime


    Is there a City budget for trying alternative/non-conventional downtown attractions, maybe even in partnership with private partners? It was brought up earlier this year that a futsal court would be an interesting way to get people downtown. I have to wonder if a city-funded, NPO and...
  13. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Wadhurst Townhomes | 11.75m | ?s

    I think it looks terrible. There's something about the aesthetics that make it look like its trying to be some roman palace/castle but with that fantastical pink-shade stucco that people seem to love using in this province. I don't see any form or function to this. Basically looks like weathered...
  14. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Wadhurst Townhomes | 11.75m | ?s

    Had to double-check the location on this, but yeah - great addition to one of the best pockets of residential in the city. Now if they could just get rid of that monstrosity at 12428 down the block (on the corner), I would be elated.
  15. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Glenora Park | 81.99m | 22s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

    What's up with that photo? I am going to assume those are just lens flares or glare, and not UAP/Tic Tacs 🙃
  16. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | CNIB Redevelopment | 106m | 32s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

    Actually a hardware store would be absolutely mint for the area, especially for all of the condo dwellers who don't need to make a trip out to Home Depot on 111/Groat Road. To that extent, I think an IKEA Planning Studio (like the one in London) would be pretty neat for that same target market...
  17. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | CNIB Redevelopment | 106m | 32s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

    This area of Jasper needs a good men's clothing store. There is a serious lack of them around in Edmonton in the Helm/Jaisel mould.
  18. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    If it's anything like their West Block office it will look great - and I think Blatchford is a great place to demonstrate their capabilities, especially so close to the Tower.
  19. Omega Prime


    I lived in Auckland, New Zealand for a while. The University of Auckland campus is baked right into the center of the city and has a very prominent presence around Albert Park. But within the same general vicinity exists the Auckland University of Technology, Imperial College of New Zealand...
  20. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    Pharmacy, Bank, Phone Store, and Pot Shop. No doubt this will turn into a memorable way to introduce Edmonton's newest entertainment district to my friends and family visiting from Calgary :cool:
