What do you think of this project?

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While I do understand the economics and business plan particulars as to why the banks or whoever are taking up retail, the every day me is disappointed by what is landing in the "entertainment district". Having an entertainment district that is anchored by a Rexall, TD, Scotiabank, Rogers phone store, a pot shop dilutes the entertainment of the district. Braven is a good spot, the Brewhouse will be a good spot but if the intention is to have an entertainment district then I am no more inclined to head downtown to hit the Rexall or set up shop at the Scotiabank virtual driving range before a hockey game, as is the case with L.A. Live for example. They are just weak retail offerings is the disappointment compared to what was promised or envisioned, for one reason or another. Add in an Aldo's and a nail salon and its your Edmonton development starter pack.
While I think the vision of an entertainment district is good, much has happened since this project was planned and little of it good for achieving that vision. I don't think an effort wasn't made, but realistically are there many bars, restaurants or other entertainment businesses opening, in Edmonton or elsewhere in this last year?

I suppose the first casualty was the movie theatre complex, which would have been very nice to have. Part of the problem is that companies headquartered far away including this one and banks, really don't care much or if at all about someone's vision in Edmonton, even if it is a good one for us. Perhaps it would have had a chance to be more successful if more local companies were involved, but what local company has the capital or interest to develop a large movie theater complex, especially when there is an existing established one just a couple blocks away

Yes, the banks do not generate as much foot traffic as they once did, but you would be surprised how many non routine transactions and matters there are that require (or are handled best) by dealing with someone face to face. If your finances are simple, perhaps you can do everything without ever going to a branch if you wish.

So for those who bemoan the shortcoming here (I don't disagree with that part), what would or could you do to make it come about? I think this is an issue where constructive criticism could be helpful, but whining is not.
I'd like to see everything in Oliver Exchange within or around Ice District. Like a bakery would be be nice since there isn't one in all of downtown unless you want to consider Tim Hortons ha.

It's too bad Cacao 70 Eatery didn't make it.

Al Fresco was busy on 104th on Saturday. Be nice to eventually see a scene like that in Ice District, too and down all of 103 st north of 102ave.
First beam up on the pedway. One thing that struck me is I wish there were some residences overlooking the plaza just a few storeys up. I think that would add a nice vibe. The residences in the two towers are so high up and removed from the ground level activities- when there starts to be activity. Although the 3rd level patios will be nice.

I sure hope downtown doesn't lose Landmark Cinemas - there's nothing else close to downtown without it or even all of central Edmonton without it.

This movie was shot in 3B - three beers - and it looks good, eh?

We hope you enjoyed the beer, oh, like I mean the movie, eh.
Hi everyone!

Can someone tell me the footprint of this building. I know it is going to be 42 stories. How is it going to lineup with the JW Marriot and the Legend residences? Will it block a lot of the view of the west facing Legend residences?

Or will it be in between the JW and Stantec towers?
Hi everyone!

Can someone tell me the footprint of this building. I know it is going to be 42 stories. How is it going to lineup with the JW Marriot and the Legend residences? Will it block a lot of the view of the west facing Legend residences?

Or will it be in between the JW and Stantec towers?
Welcome to Skyrise Edmonton :)

Yes it will be 42 stories, 148m (Stantec and JW are 251m and 192m respectively). It's listed as having 582 units right now.

In my opinion it isn't going to lineup well with it's current renderings, it looks and is much cheaper than the two towers standing right now. You can see what I believe are the latest renderings on the front page of this thread under the renderings section (the first picture is the most recent).

Also they are only constructing the podium for now, don't hold your breath waiting for this tower.

It's more in line with the JW Marriott so yes it will block some views from the west but thats not a big deal. Technically every tower in its vicinity blocks some views, if the views from the hotel is your main concern you should have more of an issue with Stantec Tower 🤣.
Pharmacy, Bank, Phone Store, and Pot Shop. No doubt this will turn into a memorable way to introduce Edmonton's newest entertainment district to my friends and family visiting from Calgary :cool:
Well there is a Rexall, perhaps a bit different than all the Shoppers Drug Marts elsewhere downtown. Shoppers and 7-11 are to our downtown like dandelions to lawns - they seem to pop up everywhere.

As the ongoing construction probably hints at, this remains a work in progress. Hopefully if the economy improves and COVID ends, some of the remaining spaces will eventually be filled by more interesting things.

My observation is Calgarians are mostly only impressed by Calgary, so don't expect too much.
I'd rather see a rec room than a movie theater here. Movie theaters are close to dead i think. Might take a generation, but their current model won't survive another 15 years.

Rec rooms, especially one like in south common would be killer. Stage for live entertainment, food, bar, games, etc.
