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I know a lot of people who hate Harper but like McCain.
Yeah this 43% figure seems way too high, but the 29% figure from Nanos seems on the low side. My feeling is that Harper has done little to gain so much, but I don't buy this argument that there's all these traditional PCs in Ontario who voted for Harper in '06 but are now appalled, etc. The Angus-Reid figure of 35% seems about right. But I guess we'll see.

Nanos polled 35-33 for the Liberals.
Peter Kent in Thornhill must be smiling at these numbers, this is one in the Conservatives cross-hairs.

Thornhill will stay Liberal. There are lots of Orthodox Jews up there who are upset about the election being held on Sukkot - and it is the most observant element of the Jewish community who are most likely to be casting their vote based primarily on the Israel issue and would be most tempted to vote Tory in the first place.
this is going to be the stupidest election since 1997.

At least 2000 had Stockwale Day..
It's gonna be good fun.....and whatever happens at least one of the major parties will be ditching a leader and undergoing renewal.....that's good for voter choice down the road....
I wonder how Toronto will break now that the Greens might really be in the mix....any left split ridings, any potential Green ridings??? etc.
Hazel McCallion and Stephen Harper (with apologies to Steve Nease)


The Mississauga Muse
Harper is a conservative and a boring dull man and I think he will shift to the country to the right if he is elected. I would not mind an economical shift to the right, but the social shift to the right worries me,

McCain is conservative but he is a maverick and a war hero and I find him to be a good experienced leader unlike Harper.

I am leaning Obama but I like and respect John McCain.

I think young people should remember sure he is old and is on the "dark side", but he is not a bad person.

Call me crazy but I think McCains much smarter than Harper and almost or as intelligent as Obama. He's proved to be an excellent bi-partisan figure and has been a proponent of green technologies since the turn of the millenium.
Although there's somthing about his sidings with the popular vote in his cacaus just to move up the ranks that I find very dishonest. Palin is just a conceited right-wing nut who over-emphasizes her supposed humbleness.
I wonder how Toronto will break now that the Greens might really be in the mix....any left split ridings, any potential Green ridings??? etc.

Left split, perhaps--believe it or not, I *wouldn't* count out Tory gains in the 416, depending especially on perceptions of Dion's weakness.

But forget Green ridings in the 416--if anything, they're hypothetically more likely to grab significant finishes in outer-905 greenbelt Tory seats such as Dufferin-Caledon. (And maybe byelection-cancelled Guelph counts.)

Oh, and forget about your home seat of Scarborough-Rouge River--it's been consistently at the bottom of the Green-result barrel in Ontario. (And even though they got to nearly 4% provincially last time, that was still lower than any Ontario Green result outside a pair in Northern Ontario.)
think I'm going Conservatives this time ... given the lack of position and prescence Dion has as the opposition party leader since he was elected .... I really liked the Federal Liberals before during the Paul Martin days
reallye everyone in Ontario was Liberal in the Chretien years.
think I'm going Conservatives this time ... given the lack of position and prescence Dion has as the opposition party leader since he was elected .... I really liked the Federal Liberals before during the Paul Martin days

Pretty much Paul Martin was the one who destroyed the Liberals as they were. Paul Martin had one goal, and that was to be the top man in Canada. That is all he cared about.

Despite Dion's flip-flops, he's an intelligent man, and I'd much rather have him running the show instead of Harper. I don't care if you vote Green, NDP, or Liberal, just please don't vote for the Conservatives because you don't like Dion. I refuse to vote for anyone dishing out as much money as Harper has in pre-election spending binges. Conservative... that's laughable.
people tend to be hypocritical with politics.
