So, I talked to a relative who basically knows lots of middle-aged Cantonese speaking Chinese-Canadian suburbanites (long list of adjectives eh?), asked him what they thought about the various candidates.
Basically, he told me that Chow being able to speak Chinese, or being Chinese, has almost no relevance. In fact, they are hardcore members of Ford Nation. They absolutely loooove the way Ford talks about not wasting money, keeping taxes low, keeping his office budget low etc. Also, many in Scarborough simply want the subway because "subways make their property values rise", not because of any of the multitude of reasons we discuss on this forum. They don't really like Chow because she's in the NDP and has the reputation of being pro-union and pro-taxes.
At the end of the day, you can't assume that everyone in a given demographic group thinks or votes the same way obviously, but I thought it might be interesting to share my discussion about some members of a demographic that is perhaps less likely to post on this forum or online in general.