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Doug and his transit plan get my vote.

I don't care how he funds it. Don't care if he hasn't figured out how to fund it. Looking at the options, they are all full of holes to one degree or another. Chow lost me the second she said she'd reopen the who Scarborough subway debate ( are you kidding me? move on ). Tory's smartrax holds zero appeal for me. Not even sure why, but it feels like a half measure. Can't put my finger on it. And even though I don't see the money for it yet, at least Doug is trying to build subways - so I think that makes up my mind. Cheers!
Doug and his transit plan get my vote.

I don't care how he funds it. Don't care if he hasn't figured out how to fund it. Looking at the options, they are all full of holes to one degree or another. Chow lost me the second she said she'd reopen the who Scarborough subway debate ( are you kidding me? move on ). Tory's smartrax holds zero appeal for me. Not even sure why, but it feels like a half measure. Can't put my finger on it. And even though I don't see the money for it yet, at least Doug is trying to build subways - so I think that makes up my mind. Cheers!

They all want to build subways, and all three candidates agree on the next subway that should be built: the downtown relief line.
Yea, but one ( Chow ) wants move backward on resolved issues and kill the SSubway - while the other has this odd vision employing go tracks that I dont' understand on any level. I've never been a huge Doug fan, but what I do know is that they guys has a simple message which makes sense to me. DRL asap. Finish Sheppard. Bury Eglington. Keep SSubway. And Finch I"m indifferent to, but the rest is all pretty damn logical to me.
Doug and his transit plan get my vote.

I don't care how he funds it. Don't care if he hasn't figured out how to fund it. Looking at the options, they are all full of holes to one degree or another. Chow lost me the second she said she'd reopen the who Scarborough subway debate ( are you kidding me? move on ). Tory's smartrax holds zero appeal for me. Not even sure why, but it feels like a half measure. Can't put my finger on it. And even though I don't see the money for it yet, at least Doug is trying to build subways - so I think that makes up my mind. Cheers!

Now that Ford says the DRL is his top priority, all other Candidates, Councillors and MPPs need to find a new top priority to talk about. None of them actually had the DRL as their top priority so it will not be too hard.
Yea, but one ( Chow ) wants move backward on resolved issues and kill the SSubway - while the other has this odd vision employing go tracks that I dont' understand on any level. I've never been a huge Doug fan, but what I do know is that they guys has a simple message which makes sense to me. DRL asap. Finish Sheppard. Bury Eglington. Keep SSubway. And Finch I"m indifferent to, but the rest is all pretty damn logical to me.

You're kidding yourself if you think the Scarborough Subway issue is resolved. In the coming months, as preliminary work continues on the line, we'll soon discover that the project will be over budget. The currently budgeted amount is nowhere near enough. At that point the debate will be reopened and we'll either find more funding or revert back to the SRT replacement plan.
Now that Ford says the DRL is his top priority, all other Candidates, Councillors and MPPs need to find a new top priority to talk about. None of them actually had the DRL as their top priority so it will not be too hard.

doesn't ms. Chow have the RL as top priority as well? She hasn't proposed anything to be done before it.
Watch for September and October of 2015. Especially as October 19, 2015 approaches. That's the date of the next federal general election. Whoever wins, they (and others) will be asking for funding for ALL Canadian cities' public transit projects.
Watch for September and October of 2015. Especially as October 19, 2015 approaches. That's the date of the next federal general election. Whoever wins, they (and others) will be asking for funding for ALL Canadian cities' public transit projects.

I wonder who would be the best mayor to have to ensure Toronto gets a sizable piece of that pie, be it Harper or Trudeau that wins.
Doug and his transit plan get my vote.

I don't care how he funds it. Don't care if he hasn't figured out how to fund it. Looking at the options, they are all full of holes to one degree or another. Chow lost me the second she said she'd reopen the who Scarborough subway debate ( are you kidding me? move on ). Tory's smartrax holds zero appeal for me. Not even sure why, but it feels like a half measure. Can't put my finger on it. And even though I don't see the money for it yet, at least Doug is trying to build subways - so I think that makes up my mind. Cheers!
You don't care how he funds it? What sort of thinking is that? If there's no funding behind any transit scheme, it doesn't get built.
Doug and his transit plan get my vote.

I don't care how he funds it. Don't care if he hasn't figured out how to fund it. Looking at the options, they are all full of holes to one degree or another. Chow lost me the second she said she'd reopen the who Scarborough subway debate ( are you kidding me? move on ). Tory's smartrax holds zero appeal for me. Not even sure why, but it feels like a half measure. Can't put my finger on it. And even though I don't see the money for it yet, at least Doug is trying to build subways - so I think that makes up my mind. Cheers!

Wow, I thought this comment was a satirical joke at first. Perhaps you haven't been paying much attention with what's been happening under Rob Ford over the last 4 years, otherwise you would realize that no subways have materialized under his leadership. What happened to the mythical private sector subway on Sheppard? What happened to the all-underground Eglinton-Crosstown line? And when it comes to the downtown relief line that we need more than anything else, Rob could not care less, while having plenty to say about removing streetcars. As for the Scarborough subway, that was thanks to Karen Stintz, not Ford. She was the one who successfully convinced city council and other governments to support it. She had a realistic funding plan to pay for it, and the Fords slammed it because of some little tax increase. Ultimately that subway line prevailed not because of the Fords, but in spite of the Fords.

All Ford knows how to do is yell "subways subways subways", and get city council to oppose him. But if you want four more years of the same bullcrap, then go ahead and vote for Doug. If a colourful fantasy map with no realistic funding strategy is all it takes to convince you, then Doug is your best choice. Just don't expect any of his subways to materialize. But hey, at least he's trying (not).
Yea, but one ( Chow ) wants move backward on resolved issues and kill the SSubway - while the other has this odd vision employing go tracks that I dont' understand on any level. I've never been a huge Doug fan, but what I do know is that they guys has a simple message which makes sense to me. DRL asap. Finish Sheppard. Bury Eglington. Keep SSubway. And Finch I"m indifferent to, but the rest is all pretty damn logical to me.

Pretty hard to trust his plan to bury the Eglinton LRT when he can't even spell it properly on his maps…

As for using the GO tracks, look at the S-Bahn in Berlin or the RER in Paris. They're perfect examples of the type of thing Tory is proposing.

And as for Doug's message being "simple", I'd say that's a pretty apt description of the Ford Bros as well. They seriously lack the critical thinking skills or the intellectual horsepower to run a hotdog stand, let alone the largest city in Canada. The fact that anyone would consider them serious candidates honestly makes me question the intelligence of the people offering said support. It's simply mind-boggling.
Can anyone tell me exactly where the east side "Unilever" "Queen" and "Gerrard" stops are planned to be in the SmartTrack proposal?

Its obvious that the Along-Eglinton portion will get cancelled, and the number of stops up Kennedy will probably be reduced, but I suspect the remainder would get built (and would be useful)
I don't think the plans have been worked out to that level of detail yet.

I'm pretty sure UniLever refers to where the rail tracks pass Broadview Avenue near Eastern. The Queen stop would be at Degrassi Street (likely incorporated into the Jimmie Simpson Rec Centre complex) and Gerrard would be right at the Gerrard/Carlaw intersection likely with a direct connection to Gerrard Square.

Not sure how the Eglinton ROW will get cancelled. Even after considering the new townhouse devlopments taking up the Richview lands north of Eglinton, there's still the parklands on the south side that are vacant to consider utilizing for ROW. Trench or cut-and-cover would work great through this area.

As for number of stations, there should be more not less. Tory's initial 22 stops should be accomplished by a direct connection to the Airport, several more along Eglinton; Rogers Road, Dupont and Dundas stops; definitely a stop in Parkdale to serve Queen West, a Bathurst stop, 2 stops (St Lawrence and Distillery District) between Union and UniLever, 2 stops between Gerrard and Main, 2 stops en route to Scarborough GO, a McNicoll stop and a better terminus for the line than Unionville GO. As you can see in my map, I had the line veer west towards the planned downtown core of Markham at Highway 7 and Warden.

If Tory can work out the kinks, I think SmartTrack has the makings of a fine 21st century subway plan.
