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Thank you Eglinton-Lawrence Liberals for restoring some of my faith in the party. If only Scarborough-Southwest could have turned Blair down as their candidate too.

A pro-Harper judge doesn't like how the Supreme Court (appointed by the PM) never sides with him.

Justice Miller says government is obliged to protect marriage between a man and a woman. “In the same way that government is obligated to steward the political community’s forests, fresh water and other resources, it is obligated to identify the morally valuable aspects of a national culture and its morally valuable institutions and to preserve them from one generation to the next,” he wrote in a 2011 paper, “Sexual Orientation and the Legal Regulation of Marriage.”

Who knows, sanctity of marriage is now clean water and protecting the environment - in which case, I am sure he'd love to rule against Harper all the time given his stewardship of the latter. Crickets.

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Chow is officially in the reace for a comeback. Should be an interesting battle between her and Adam Vaughan.
Chow is officially in the reace for a comeback. Should be an interesting battle between her and Adam Vaughan.

Hopefully they knock each other out and a third party can come in the middle. Both of them out of public life would be a nice breath of fresh air.
Hopefully they knock each other out and a third party can come in the middle. Both of them out of public life would be a nice breath of fresh air.

In this riding? Not a chance. There won't be enough vote left over to split.
Who do you think will win?

If a vote were held today, its Chow's. In October, who knows!

Vaughan is going to fight hard for this. He's going to paint her as an opportunist, a serial quitter, and a waste of tax payer dollars. All of which he isn't wrong about. The question is will he be too busy focusing on that to deliver his plan for Canada?

He needs to stay on message and keep promoting the Liberal plan for cities. Spadina-Fort York is craving new transit and new public housing. He needs to keep showing how he and the Liberals will improve those two things.

Chow's focus on national childcare in a riding made up of many childless households won't appeal to the majority of voters in the riding. She seems more focused on a national platform than something to benefit the specific riding she is running for (One of the problems I had with her originally as my MP). Her only saviour right now is the Liberal stance on C-51. Unfortunately, Vaughan is being killed by his party's stance on the matter and no amount of spin is going to reverse that.

If the Liberal's Urban Agenda is worth the wait, we may see the race tighten up. At this point, Vaughan needs to shift the focus to urban issues to bring some momentum back to his camp. Chow needs to take a more local approach to keep the momentum working in her favour.
When I was polled recently about Chow, there were questions about Bill C-51 but nothing about childcare, which is interesting. There was also a question along the lines of "do you think Chow is an opportunist or do you think she works tirelessly for her constituents?" (obviously not their wording). I asked if I could choose a middle option :D

When she was my MP, like Tuscani, I felt that she was more concerned about national issues than riding issues. She was elected the last time with over 80% of the vote, if I remember correctly. Going up against a higher profile candidate like Vaughan will be interesting, plus it's a new riding with a different demographic than the Trinity-Spadina riding.
If a vote were held today, its Chow's. In October, who knows!

Vaughan is going to fight hard for this. He's going to paint her as an opportunist, a serial quitter, and a waste of tax payer dollars. All of which he isn't wrong about. The question is will he be too busy focusing on that to deliver his plan for Canada?

If I were in the Chow camp, I would spin that back, arguing that Vaughan was the opportunistic one, who damaged his reputation as an intelligent and forward-thinking maverick on city council by running for a a status-quo political party that dragged its heels for a decade and created a national housing, childcare and infrastructure deficit that we are still dealing with today.

Chow's focus on national childcare in a riding made up of many childless households won't appeal to the majority of voters in the riding

I wonder though how many of those 30-somethings in the condos are starting to do family planning and are bracing for a childcare system stacked against them. It might be the issue that brings voters to the polls.
If I were in the Chow camp, I would spin that back, arguing that Vaughan was the opportunistic one, who damaged his reputation as an intelligent and forward-thinking maverick on city council by running for a a status-quo political party that dragged its heels for a decade and created a national housing, childcare and infrastructure deficit that we are still dealing with today.

Which all happened under Chow's watch during her time as MP for Trinity Spadina, so he can easily turn it back on her by saying 'more of the same, or a new direction?'

As for families in condo's, the numbers definitely are jumping. I don't think their numbers are enough to make or break an election though. Also, Spadina-Fort York is getting new childcare spaces as well as two schools, which Adam Vaughan can take more credit for than Chow, since he was the councilor for the ward at the time.

I still think C-51 is going to be the only dividing issue. Both Chow and Vaughan seem to want the same things, just different approaches. From most of the comments I am seeing, it seems like many are disappointed to have both of them running against each other. It makes the contest that more interesting.

I support Vaughan personally, and have worked on two of his campaigns, but I am voting NDP this election. I no longer live in Spadina-Fort York, but probably would've stuck with Liberal had I been there, simply because I feel like Vaughan accomplished a lot more for Trinity Spadina, and I feel he would be the strongest voice for the riding in Ottawa.

Where I am now, Toronto Centre, Linda McQuaig is the one that I feel will be the best voice for Toronto Centre, hence my vote for the NDP. At the end of the day, both parties see eye to eye with me on the issues that matter most to Toronto and the GTA. It comes down to who I like most at the local level.
Adam Vaughan would fight tooth and nail in Ottawa for Toronto and pan-urban Canadian issues. That is the one thing that leans me towards wanting him to win.




Many many people I've talked to wanted to attend lectures from Chow this upcoming year. They are going to be awfully disappointed.
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