Without Street names it is hard to tell what 6 sq km that is. Is it Mississauga Rd on the west, stretching to McLaughlin in the east? And north from Queen? If so you may have picked the only 6 sq km west of, say, Torbram that includes Queen and doesn’t have apartments in it.....was that on purpose perhaps?planning practices. Although transit is well provided, the built form is incredibly hostile to anything but driving. Driving is convenient, generally congestion free, and very fast. Built form is primarily low density, large lot detached with lots of easy parking at every destination. There is no real reason not to own an automobile, and use it for all of your trips. Densities are low, roads are wide, and destinations far apart.
Look at this image: this is roughly 6 square km of Brampton. There is an express bus along Queen street on the southern portion of the area, but there is not a single apartment use in the entire image. Retail is provided in 2 suburban plazas in the northwest and southeast corners of the image. Nothing but large, detached houses, 6 lane roads, and insurmountable distances for anything but a car. Oh, and none of this existing when Places To Grow was put in place.
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There are many reasons (that have been discussed elsewhere) why the condo boom of the last 15 years essentially missed Brampton.