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How many non-incumbent winners will there be on council?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
and Furious George comes with LOTS of baggage.

Also, it sounds like he burned a lot of bridges with the local Liberal riding association after trying to railroad his nomination in the last provincial election.


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Indeed. Her promise not to run in 'this or any other ward" is on tape at at 2.40 and following. (esp. 2.44.)
See, she did promise not to run, but the tsunami of people begging her to change her mind must have made her...uh...change her mind. Vox pop is the only possible explanation.
Another provincial candidate, Felicia Samuel of the NDP (who came within 1000 votes in Rouge Park), is running in Ward 44. However there's little overlap with that ward and the riding she ran in'; most of it is in Raymond Cho's riding.
Josh Matlow is the only remaining incumbent who could possibly be acclaimed.
Still no DiCiano or Milcyn registered in Ward 5. My guess is Tory might be trying to convince Milcyn not to run to give DiCiano the win, unless there is more info to come related to police investigation with DiCiano. Even if that was the case, I don't know why Milcyn hasn't submitted yet - unless he isn't running.
I really hope that Lying Lucy loses. I find the whole appointment process really bad. Like I really hate the other candidates in ward 23 but I cannot support someone so corrupt that they would run after claiming they wouldn't.

As a aside, the appointment process is an embarrassment. However, I place the blame on the entirety of council. it should be really obvious that hte appointment process could be railroaded for political gain. This process has been in place for the entirety of amalgamated Toronto history, yet there has been no move to change it as far as I know. David Miller didn't, Rob Ford didn't. Also, Paul Ainslie pulled something similar in 2006, he was appointed to Ward 41 near the end of the council term then ran in Ward 43 and won. So there is precedence for this. Yet nothing was done.

Why has nobody done anything about it? At least ask the province to change legislation.
I heard a rumour tonight, and I emphasize it is a rumour, that tomorrow the province will announce they are reduce Council to 25 seats for *this* election. Ford wants to ram it through the House and avoid any QP standing order rule on public hearings. Again, this is just a rumour I heard and it may not be announced tomorrow or be for this election.
