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This is true in a rather sad way: they are the two sides of a shite coin. Meaning they aren't alternatives to each other at all. Do I want syphilis or gonorrhea? Oh, right.....neither.

I can agree with you here. After all, which would the Liberals be? The syphilis or the gonorrhea?

You can always have your cake and eat it too by getting both.

The Greens offer a more centrist economic platform than the Dippers...

People don't learn this from the media because Schreiner is left out of debates and their platform isn't covered in any depth either. The air's all being used up by the same old same old. You don't get change by doing the same thing you've been doing for years. Any recovered addict knows this.

People still believe the Greens are a bunch of tree-hugging hippies with radically socialist ideals and blah blah blah *insert random falsehood here*....and vice versa.

I kid you not, last election, we had socialists telling us we were "too conservative" and conservatives and liberals telling us we were" too socialist". I know what that means and it ain't a sign of radicalism.

Disclosure: I'm not a member of the party anymore, no longer volunteer with the party, and no longer donate to the party.
You can always have your cake and eat it too by getting both.


Man, in that case, it best have been worth it and I'm not sure 700$ less in taxes and slightly cheaper petrol or half-baked dental care policies and a financial mentality that makes my personal situation look healthy is worth it.

"They didn't even buy me dinner....I had to pay for it myself."
She thought otherwise
Isnt that the fake actors-for-hire rally?
The liberals were promising what again?

I honestly don't remember anymore. I tuned out their Egyptian-bread-subsidy-style vote buying a while back. They would probably only subsidise the shitty white non-bread anyway. Fool people into thinking they were getting cheap bread when really they were just getting a shitty fiscal situation and nutritional rubbish.
You can always have your cake and eat it too by getting both.
lol...errr...many ways to take that one. I'll take it sitting down. Sponge Bob Cake.
People don't learn this from the media because Schreiner is left out of debates and their platform isn't covered in any depth either. The air's all being used up by the same old same old. You don't get change by doing the same thing you've been doing for years. Any recovered addict knows this.

People still believe the Greens are a bunch of tree-hugging hippies with radically socialist ideals and blah blah blah *insert random falsehood here*....and vice versa.

I kid you not, last election, we had socialists telling us we were "too conservative" and conservatives and liberals telling us we were" too socialist". I know what that means and it ain't a sign of radicalism.

Disclosure: I'm not a member of the party anymore, no longer volunteer with the party, and no longer donate to the party.
Ran into a an Old School politician doing a distance cycling/walking trip with dog today. He was very close to David Crombie, and revealed something I never knew about Crombie. He's a Quaker! Just checked for the veracity of that claim, hard to find, but:

Said person and I had long talk about 'today's politicians'...I don't want to sound too long in the tooth, I'm still in amazing shape physically, but I clearly recall the days of "Beware the Industrial Military Complex" from a US President! A Republican! Maybe times are better, I wonder sometimes, but politics is a freakin mess compared to what it was. I blame the shitty Won't get started on that one...

Long story short, today I had an epiphany on PropRep voting. Its time has come for Ontario politics, if not federal. What made FPTP work in past years was *effective leadership*. Minus that, the raison d'etre disappears. Electing a leader is only as good as there being ones to choose from.

If this election doesn't produce some meaningful change, we're in deep shid...
It might help if you could read accurately and stop jumping to 'concussions'.

"What's happening out there" is a good chance of a two or three way split. You don't know, no-one knows. And I don't have the vote in this election. I'm not supporting any Party, merely analyzing possibilities, and the NDP is on record in many articles as stating that they wouldn't form a coalition with the Liberals, or vice-versa, albeit the NDP *apparently* has a much greater chance of an upset outcome.

But that's straying a looong way from your initial "Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast." which started this argument. That is, you're stretching the point of contention/disagreement/etc waaaay beyond recognition...
But that's straying a looong way from your initial "Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast." which started this argument. That is, you're stretching the point of contention/disagreement/etc waaaay beyond recognition...
By your terms perhaps.

I stand behind both claims. Just reading Horwath's latest transit spiel, my initial thought being "Ah, she's getting it"...only to get to the finer points, where indeed it's more of the same.

How in Hell can anyone support the SSE and be taken seriously? Schreiner has addressed that. So pardon me for stating Schreiner is performing admirably, since he addresses that point and more on the transit file.
To be fair to Howarth, no legitimate candidate can afford to not support the SSE at this point.
To be fair to Howarth, no legitimate candidate can afford to not support the SSE at this point.
Agreed! But that's exactly the point. It's the same with merging school boards, the same with a lot of issues. No-one dares take a stand on principle.

Hobson's Choice manifest.
I've made the point before: Independents and the Greens aren't encumbered by that baggage.
For example: (one of many references of how the GPO looks at this)
Scarborough needs rapid transit within community
Posted on March 28, 2017

GPO leader Mike Schreiner made the following statement on the Scarborough subway:

“People in Scarborough need transit solutions, not political games.

The Sheppard East LRT and the Eglinton East LRT are solid plans that will provide people with ways to get around their community, as well as links to downtown.

The unfortunate political games pitting subways against LRTs have derailed any transit actually being built for people in Scarborough. This is irresponsible and unacceptable.

The GPO supports transit projects that provide the best transit for the most number of people in Scarborough. And we will be honest about how to pay for it.

The GPO supports revenue tools such as parking levies, land value taxes, congestion charges and dynamic road pricing to fund the LRT lines that will benefit the most people in Scarborough.”
You're right - they aren't encumbered. But they also have virtually no chance of winning.

It's unfortunate you have to play the game to be a serious contender, but that's what it boils down to doesn't it - the lesser of three evils.
You're right - they aren't encumbered. But they also have virtually no chance of winning.
They aren't and again, I have to make this point clear, since so many posters are missing it, but journos aren't. A few seats can hold the balance of power in a minority result, and since the Dippers claim the Libs are untenable as coalition partners, as in BC and other jurisdictions elsewhere, Greens hold the balance of power. As to the NDP and Scarborough, one has to question the wisdom of touting the toxic SSE when chances of any candidates (if and when they are chosen) getting elected in Scarborough is slight.

It's a gamble on Howarth's part that may not pay-off, and meantime she's badly compromised herself by acting totally contrary to any established transit planner.
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