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^ Of course it will but the question is not if but when. The Tories have shot themselves in the foot again and in the last 10 years seem to be doing everything in their power to NOT get elected. Running for councillor in a little riding and running for Premier are too very different things. Ford's "ah, shucks" conservatism may play well at the local McDonald's in Etobicoke but won't help him in a debate where he has to answer real questions and isn't in control of the media. He will have to have to provide real, clear, and well articulated answers to a residence of every part of the province from different ages, races, incomes, geographies, etc unlike his monolithic little riding in Etobicoke.

Specifically on the transit file he is going to have to provide policies and fundings that go beyond "subways, subway's subways". He has already landed in hot water on the issue. He has stated he wants underground transit for Toronto but then what of RER, will he then tell those needed 416 & 905 voters that RER is off because it's not underground? How is he going to pay for all this underground transit and how will he reconcile it with him wanting to get rid of government waste? What other services is he willing to cut to build underground?. Why will LRT be OK for Hamilton but not for Miss/Brampton? Will he kick in more money so London can get the downtown tunnel or conversely pull funds from it's BRT because in his view buses are worse than LRTs? Will Ottawa get it's West LRT also underground?

Talking in simple platitudes at the suburban home-town Timmy's is one thing, explaining coherent policies to 14 million Ontarians in a televised debate is quite another.

I actually think his simple message will appeal to a lot of voters who aren't familiar with him. Let's not forget that same message got his brother elected in Toronto.

You're right in that this will be a much tougher election - but Trump won saying little of substance.

Fortunately Ontario doesn't skew towards the right, so he doesn't have a huge built-in advantage in that regard.

Wynne is also an excellent debater - he could actually make her look good by comparison, and I'm sure the Liberals will be getting aggressive with the ads, etc. soon.
I suspect both sides are right, insofar as Ford is dangerous to underestimate but there's also a very good chance the PCs have shot themselves in the foot fatally again. Pre-Trump I think this would've been a cinch for Ford. With the daily bad press surrounding Trump's incompetence and his constant scandals I think more people are going to think hard about voting Ford. We also have the Toronto example where many people will gladly remind other Ontarians that the Fords were idiots when in power here. Of course, New York City played a similar role with Trump and that didn't help but, again, Trump has had a clear depressing effect on conservative movements as he has become their poster boy, whether they like it or not.
I suspect both sides are right, insofar as Ford is dangerous to underestimate but there's also a very good chance the PCs have shot themselves in the foot fatally again. Pre-Trump I think this would've been a cinch for Ford. With the daily bad press surrounding Trump's incompetence and his constant scandals I think more people are going to think hard about voting Ford. We also have the Toronto example where many people will gladly remind other Ontarians that the Fords were idiots when in power here. Of course, New York City played a similar role with Trump and that didn't help but, again, Trump has had a clear depressing effect on conservative movements as he has become their poster boy, whether they like it or not.

Ford has firmly aligned himself with Trump - I can't imagine that will help with anyone but his base.
Either the NDP or the Liberals would have to play along to allow the PCs to form a minority government. To do so, would be political suicide. Liberal supporters wouldn't kill their party if they supported an NDP minority. And NDP supporters wouldn't kill their party if they supported a Liberal minority.

The issue always is that party supporting a minority, but not in power, always ends up paying for it at election time. The NDP props up the Liberals and the Liberals get to take credit for a while lot of NDP ideas, leading to a majority after.

^I'm not calling this one on the basis of this week's polls. Pollsters all said Hillary Clinton would win, right up to the day of the election. And then.....

The pollsters were not wrong. Clinton won the popular vote by millions. What they got slightly wrong was the Electoral College predictions. 80 000 voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania decided the 2016 Presidential election. And pollsters like Nate Silver were pointing out weeks before that state level polls had much less certainty than required.

There's no such analogy per se, in Ontario. Our polling is still fairly accurate. Not to say we couldn't end up in some absurd situation where some party distributes their votes more efficiently.

I predict that Doug will cling to angry and say next to nothing of substance.

Nor should he. I'm not saying he's right to do so. And I detest what politics has become.

But that's how the game is played these days. The Liberals have mastered deflection and turning around a campaign promise against their opponents. He'd be a fool to play that game.

I'd bet money he'll avoid the debates. Why bother when you know you'll get crushed? Just act aloof and say there's nothing to discuss with Wynne.
Ford has firmly aligned himself with Trump - I can't imagine that will help with anyone but his base.

You'd be surprised how few people know that or even care, beyond his base.

Again, put yourself in the shoes of the average suburbanite. They go to work, pay their taxes, pay their bills and raise their kids. They only care about politics for a week or two before an election. They have a quick gander at the news and see what the main talking points are and vote accordingly.

In the context of soundbites, Liberals complaining Ford liking Trump will come off as absurd deflection, in my opinion. The Liberals would be so much better off using 30 second sound bites to attack the source of the Ford power: Rob Ford. Attack RoFo's record as mayor and then build on that by pointing out that DoFo was even worse as a councillor.
Ford has firmly aligned himself with Trump - I can't imagine that will help with anyone but his base.

I don't disagree. All I'm saying is assuming this is a cinch will only leave those of us who oppose Ford disappointed in June. All Ford needs is to figure out how to promise better or for Wynne and/or Horwath to slip up once. After Rob Ford and Donald Trump, I'm not prepared to underestimate how popular the folksy bullshit is.
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Obviously either party backing the current PC party isn't happening.
IMO, an alliance between either with the PCs isn’t out of the question, even with Ford. Politicians want power, and in the NDP’s case if this presents their only chance of being at the table and gives them an opportunity to stop Wynne, The NDP will take it.
IMO, an alliance between either with the PCs isn’t out of the question, even with Ford. Politicians want power, and in the NDP’s case if this presents their only chance of being at the table and gives them an opportunity to stop Wynne, The NDP will take it.
In general, I'd think an NDP deal with the PC would be unlikely under the best of circumstances.

And I really can't see the NDP ever living down making a deal with the PCs under such a corrupt bigoted individual.

If the NDP were to come to the table, I'd think it would come with a list of conditions, including a full coalition, and appointing someone like Christine Elliot as premier.

Currently, I'd think an NDP minority government propped up by the Tories is more likely. If the Liberals are anywhere close, even if in second place, they'll simply try and continuing governing.
I don't disagree. All I'm saying is assuming this is a cinch will only leave those of us who oppose Ford disappointed in June. All Ford needs is to figure out how to promise better or for Wynne and/or Horwath to slip up once. After Rob Ford and Donald Trump, I'm not prepared to underestimate how popular the folksy bullshit is.
You'd be surprised how few people know that or even care, beyond his base.

Again, put yourself in the shoes of the average suburbanite. They go to work, pay their taxes, pay their bills and raise their kids. They only care about politics for a week or two before an election. They have a quick gander at the news and see what the main talking points are and vote accordingly.

In the context of soundbites, Liberals complaining Ford liking Trump will come off as absurd deflection, in my opinion. The Liberals would be so much better off using 30 second sound bites to attack the source of the Ford power: Rob Ford. Attack RoFo's record as mayor and then build on that by pointing out that DoFo was even worse as a councillor.

I agree with both of you - he's not to be underestimated.

To be clear, it's not that he likes Trump, it's that he supports him, his policies and his behaviour. People may not be aware of that now, but I'm sure it will lead to some interesting comments from him and his party.

No one thought the Liberals would win the last election - I would never underestimate Ford, but I simply can't deny the possibility of him doing/saying some damaging things during the campaign.
In general, I'd think an NDP deal with the PC would be unlikely under the best of circumstances.

Agreed, this is the least likely of any minority scenario. Other than some similarities on trade protectionism, there is absolutely no ideological agreement between the PCs and NDP.
Any Party that did a deal with Ford would be signing their own death warrant. The most likely coalition would be a Lib-NDP one, either to govern, or as Official Opposition Coalition.

That latter claim might sound abstract, but it's on the books:
In Canada, Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition (French: L'Opposition Loyale de Sa Majesté) is usually the largest parliamentary opposition party in the House of Commons or a provincial legislative assembly that is not in government, either on its own or as part of a governing coalition.

If by some God forsaken outcome, Ford gains a majority, it will be very slim, and an Official Opposition Coalition could easily topple him with just a few members of his own party (no shortage of them with a grudge, Ford didn't have even one backer in the Con Caucus) abstaining, let alone voting against him in a vote of confidence.

The knives are out for Ford, they're just not glinting in the light yet. The Cons want their party back.
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