Senior Member
Harper must be kicking himself, asking how did I lose to this guy?
Well, no PM has won a fourth term since Laurier.
Harper must be kicking himself, asking how did I lose to this guy?
Pierre Trudeau won four terms, just not all in a row. 1968, 1972 (minority), 1974. Defeated in 1979, Trudeau won another majority in 1980.Well, no PM has won a fourth term since Laurier.
Harper must be kicking himself, asking how did I lose to this guy?
You don't fire folks for failing to do what you didn't do yourself. Instead you double down and work your team better.If I'm Scheer I'm firing everyone in the Conservative research team for not finding this out earlier.
Pierre Trudeau won four terms, just not all in a row. 1968, 1972 (minority), 1974. Defeated in 1979, Trudeau won another majority in 1980.
Pierre Trudeau gives us an example of what Harper should have done. Harper should have run as Opposition Leader through Justin's first term as PM and continued to chip away at his Sunny Ways BS and Justin's amateur handling of pipelines and the Trump/USA relations. By now Harper, with his zero interest in socon issues, would be looking like the reasonable choice to many Canadians, leading to a Pierre Trudeau like rebirth of the Harper regime.
Trudeau stepped down in 1984 and didn't even run against Mulroney. He left that to John Turner. Trudeau didn't even try for #5.Yes, that is what I meant to say. Ironically , he was defeated in his bid for a fifth term on the issue of free trade with the US.
The 1911 election would be the first single-issue free trade election fought in Canada, and Canadian voters rejected reciprocity. This decision would stand until the next free-trade election in 1988.
16 years as PM plus over a decade as an MP would be enough for anyone. Regardless of what we think of his chances we can't begrudge Pierre Trudeau's wish to hang it up.Trudeau stepped down in 1984 and didn't even run against Mulroney. He left that to John Turner. Trudeau didn't even try for #5.
The free trade election was in 1988 between Mulroney and Turner.
Tom H @humourme1234
Just finished morning coffee with some work buddies. Hardline conservatives, anti-Trudeau type. General consensus can be summed up by one of the boys, “Really? Who cares? It’s a costume party! Why did he apologize?” Don’t confuse the Scheer camps perceived outrage!
I expected the opposite.
Well, this is weird. Former MP John Cannis has signs up in our area and is running as an independent.