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Not to rehash discussions of years past, but honestly I am glad that Trudeau walked away from electoral reform.

The Liberals were pushing for ranked ballot system, which would have heavily favoured the Liberals, to the point where they could receive super-majority governments in most elections.

Possibly, and that was possibly his motivation. I would have welcomed it, because it can be implemented without any change to our political system, and also because it would probably mean the end to strategic voting. I have rarely voted for the NDP even though I agree with most of what they usually stand for, simply because I want to avoid a Conservative government. But nothing would prevent the Conservatives from gaining power; they would just need an actual majority of people to vote for them. How novel!
Possibly, and that was possibly his motivation. I would have welcomed it, because it can be implemented without any change to our political system, and also because it would probably mean the end to strategic voting. I have rarely voted for the NDP even though I agree with most of what they usually stand for, simply because I want to avoid a Conservative government. But nothing would prevent the Conservatives from gaining power; they would just need an actual majority of people to vote for them. How novel!
If you want a one-party state, that is what ranked ballot would effectively deliver.

It's not necessarily all bad. Singapore has done fine with one ruling party since the 1950s, and we have federalism so the provincial level could provide a voice of opposition to Ottawa.
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Decided going to vote NDP, hoping for a small liberal minority so Trudeau is severely weakened.

You've been posting this same stuff relentlessly in this thread at a rate 60-70 posts/week. I open the page any day and typically more than half of the posts are yours. Same thing over and over again. I wouldn't work this hard unless the cons were paying me.

You shouldn't be doing this for free either, then again your work isn't very convincing.
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Scheer is in Richmond Hill tonight, talks about Trudeau and the SNC Lavalin scandal — crowd starts chanting “LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP” a la Donald Trump and “lock her up” against Hillary Clinton...
Scheer is in Richmond Hill tonight, talks about Trudeau and the SNC Lavalin scandal — crowd starts chanting “LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP” a la Donald Trump and “lock her up” against Hillary Clinton...

I guess, then, that Kinsella's work is done. Otherwise, those people would've been in the Bernier camp ;-)
It's a coup!!

In an email to supporters on Wednesday, the Conservative Party warned of a plot to subvert democracy in Canada. The Liberals, a Conservative official wrote, were "already planning a way to take power without winning the election."

Around the same time, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was telling an interviewer that his party "would expect that other parties would respect the fact that whichever party wins the most seats gets to form the government."

But that is not a fact. The party with the most seats doesn't always get to govern.

If Scheer's "fact" was a fact, John Horgan currently wouldn't be the premier of British Columbia.
As an NDPer, I often joke about the name of the federal Conservatives' print newsletter (my brother once donated to the federal Conservatives (though he no longer receives the newsletter)), which is called Dashgram or whatever.

I call it Balderdashgram. It had plenty of conspiracies, confirmation bias, and bad math.
Scheer is in Richmond Hill tonight, talks about Trudeau and the SNC Lavalin scandal — crowd starts chanting “LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP” a la Donald Trump and “lock her up” against Hillary Clinton...

This crap is what makes a swing-ish voter like me not like the CPC.
This crap is what makes a swing-ish voter like me not like the CPC.

Seriously. I want to like the CPC. Because I think democracy needs some balance here. But they are becoming a poor man's version of the GOP. And how that serves me as a Canadian is beyond me.
Seriously. I want to like the CPC. Because I think democracy needs some balance here. But they are becoming a poor man's version of the GOP. And how that serves me as a Canadian is beyond me.

I didn't quite mind the Progressive Conservatives but when they merged with the Canadian Alliance which was then an offshoot of the Reform Party in 2003 they went off on a tangent.

The Federal PCs were a good party but when mixed with Western Canadian bible thumping conservatism it was a recipe for disaster.

That said they are too American right now. They focus on American style politics to the point where most people can't relate. They do well in the west because Alberta is the Texas of Canada but unless they get back to focusing on Canadians and stop the American style rhetoric they won't win another election.
Interesting bit of news from Vancouver. Could actually happen when ethnic news is the only news some get their information from.

Extreme-right misinformation is flooding Chinese media in Canada — and observers say there’s virtually nothing stopping it

From link.

Some of the posts suggest teaching sexual and gender identity in schools could cause an AIDS outbreak. Others warn Mexicans are streaming across the border to sell drugs or that hatred against Muslims is only natural. The articles are called misinformation by some and flat out hate speech by others.

They are but a sampling of the far-right rhetoric on Chinese-language websites and social media platforms like WeChat, often described as a cross between Facebook and Twitter. Observers warn that there’s almost nothing challenging a torrent of anti-refugee, anti-LGBT and anti “white liberal” literature spiking online.

“When this privileged group settled down in Canada, they will have an easy life without evening finding a job,” reads one article touching on Muslim refugees when discussing Chinese voters. It was written by contributor Feng Si Hai on Chinese-language news publication in March 2019.

“What’s more, some of them could make trouble, break the law and even harm a child. It is natural that hatred toward them will arise. The religious conflicts will make the situation worse. How could our society be peaceful?!” reads the article.

Such sentiments have also popped up in Chinese political organizations and churches, according to community members. They worry that barriers to truthful information combined with conservative politics are leading to the exploitation of Chinese people by far-right elements and could hamper the ability of Chinese people in Canada to make informed decisions.

There are votes to be gained as Canadian political parties reach out to immigrants, and Chinese voters are one of the largest pools.

Chinese people represent about 20 per cent of minorities in Canada, according to Statistics Canada, with hundreds of thousands living in Vancouver and Toronto alone. In those cities, some ridings are more than 50 per cent Chinese.

They are increasingly being courted by far right content or outright misinformation created by writers who often use pen names...
Polls are suggesting a liberal seat advantage but any slight variation could cause a lot of change it seems.

Based on what I can see a majority is now near impossible and that is good.

Prime minister Justin Trudeau does not deserve a false majority
I looked at all of the candidates in my riding (Spadina-Fort York) and really tried hard to listen to what they are saying. For that reason the leaders are almost a distraction, background noise to the importance of whomever will be in parliament for this district. Vaughan has already proven that he is not up to the task so the rest are all in play. The NDP candidate looks good even with some of the ridiculous tag-lines of the election (500k housing??! Really? ). I have no idea who will form the next government but hoping it is not Scheer, who comes across as not too bright and more than willing to follow direction. We shall see what we shall see.
