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Yet if the largest voting faction votes opposite to this so called majority whom weren't bright enough to know that splitting the vote four ways instead backing one horse allowed for that outcome, should we not respect the wishes of those in that largest voting faction in such a case and allow their pick to govern?

So you think pluralities have some divine right to rule? Does that apply to the popular vote or just seat counts? The key is demonstrating confidence of Parliament, and anyone who can do that gets to govern until resignation. You do realize that even a "defeated" first minister is under no de jure legal obligation to resign following an election? Indeed, the oft-cited King-Byng affair occurred when Mackenzie King "lost" an election with a 15 seat spread between him and Meighen's Conservatives. King lost his own seat, but carried on with support from the Progressives. He only resigned when Byng refused to grand another election some months later, after which Meighen formed a government which was not long after routed in an election.

Our system does not give parties any constitutional standing, regardless of their practical dominance. Just because Team A got more votes/seats than Team B (but fewer than B and C combined!) does not entitle them to govern and NEVER HAS. You are simply parroting the nonsense that Harper treated us to when his government almost collapsed in 2008.

Coalition governments are going swell in Europe, btw... not!

I certainly agree that Theresa May's coalition with the DUP has helped make Brexit almost impossible given their simultaneous opposition to a hard border and the backstop.
Much like the Harper CPC government. He managed to work with 3 (plus Elizabeth May) parties and had the 2 longest minority governments in Canadian history.

No argument here. I voted CPC at the time. It was only when he got a majority that I started to dislike him.
No argument here. I voted CPC at the time. It was only when he got a majority that I started to dislike him.

Yes, that's something to keep in mind: that the Harper gov't only got *really* high on its Sun News/Mother Canada fumes once it got its majority.

Also, when it comes to coalitions: it's way too easy to point to the ill-fated 2008 federal three-headed monster proposal as the classic coalition-of-losers anti-argument. They really work best when the second-place party is close enough to the first-place party to matter, i.e. when it's in a position of strength--the Dion Liberals were *not* in a position of strength; but if Justin winds up with 135 seats to Scheer's 155 and Bernier wins little more than his own seat (if even that), there's more of an argument...
Maxime Bernier just went full transphobe and is feuding with Rempel and Raitt. It is interesting to watch!
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Maxime Bernier just went full transphobe and feuding with Rempel and Raitt. It is interesting to watch!

The Conservative Party of Canada is nearing a record high watermark in the Quebec City region, with a current seat projection of 16 seats. In Beauce, they are neck and neck with the PPP. If the rest of the region does indeed flip the ridings not already Tory, I don't foresee any loyalty to Bernier keeping the riding his.
So you think pluralities have some divine right to rule? Does that apply to the popular vote or just seat counts? The key is demonstrating confidence of Parliament, and anyone who can do that gets to govern until resignation. You do realize that even a "defeated" first minister is under no de jure legal obligation to resign following an election? Indeed, the oft-cited King-Byng affair occurred when Mackenzie King "lost" an election with a 15 seat spread between him and Meighen's Conservatives. King lost his own seat, but carried on with support from the Progressives. He only resigned when Byng refused to grand another election some months later, after which Meighen formed a government which was not long after routed in an election.

Our system does not give parties any constitutional standing, regardless of their practical dominance. Just because Team A got more votes/seats than Team B (but fewer than B and C combined!) does not entitle them to govern and NEVER HAS. You are simply parroting the nonsense that Harper treated us to when his government almost collapsed in 2008.

I certainly agree that Theresa May's coalition with the DUP has helped make Brexit almost impossible given their simultaneous opposition to a hard border and the backstop.

If you think about it, we already have a de facto coalition gov't in power. But I happen to think the country's going the wrong direction and placating to even further left parties even more than the Trudeau Liberals have already been doing is only going to hurt the economy and jobs in the long term. There's already speculation of another recession on the horizon. And no return to balance in sight.

So yeah; if 5,999,999 people vote Conservative in the coming election and 6,000,000 vote for everybody else combined, then yes I will feel that the "Will of the People" has been robbed and will only fuel the fire for secession and constitutional crises to come.
Maxime Bernier just went full transphobe and is feuding with Rempel and Raitt. It is interesting to watch!
I am trying to understand why any right wing person would vote for the Conservative party. they are exactly like the Liberal party in every way except carbon taxes.
The Conservative Party of Canada is nearing a record high watermark in the Quebec City region, with a current seat projection of 16 seats. In Beauce, they are neck and neck with the PPP. If the rest of the region does indeed flip the ridings not already Tory, I don't foresee any loyalty to Bernier keeping the riding his.

I still think Bernier could be a party of one.

I am trying to understand why any right wing person would vote for the Conservative party. they are exactly like the Liberal party in every way except carbon taxes.

Not really. Like narduch said, Scheer has been openly courting white nationalist types.
Not really. Like narduch said, Scheer has been openly courting white nationalist types.
They get a Party that supports their ideas?
Like I said earlier, there some white nationalist types who support the conservative party, however white nationalists as a group are dumb and don't realize there is no practical difference between the parties in terms of any race based agenda. Is there one policy that a white nationalist would like in the conservative party platform? Michelle Rempel even talked a few days ago about having a "centrist" immigration platform. I don't get it and if this is your angle of attack on the CPC it will not work.
If you think about it, we already have a de facto coalition gov't in power. But I happen to think the country's going the wrong direction and placating to even further left parties even more than the Trudeau Liberals have already been doing is only going to hurt the economy and jobs in the long term. There's already speculation of another recession on the horizon. And no return to balance in sight.

So yeah; if 5,999,999 people vote Conservative in the coming election and 6,000,000 vote for everybody else combined, then yes I will feel that the "Will of the People" has been robbed and will only fuel the fire for secession and constitutional crises to come.

What part of a single party majority government amounts to a coalition? How is it “de facto” in any sense?

Last time we had a major recession, it took the threat of an opposition coalition to get Harper and co to recognize that stimulus was needed.

Otherwise any party that wins about 50% of the vote will win a massive parliamentary majority under FPTP.
Maxime Bernier

Hurrah! Our caring and generous government is removing another major social inequity by solving the Great Menstrual Products Unavailability Crisis of the early 21st century. How in the world were previous generations able to manage their lives without such help from Ottawa?!

The feds had a very good idea to make feminine hygiene products free where people work. It is a very bipartisan idea. This is Max's reaction to it...

Like I said earlier, there some white nationalist types who support the conservative party, however white nationalists as a group are dumb and don't realize there is no practical difference between the parties in terms of any race based agenda. Is there one policy that a white nationalist would like in the conservative party platform? Michelle Rempel even talked a few days ago about having a "centrist" immigration platform. I don't get it and if this is your angle of attack on the CPC it will not work.

Rempel is a nut job who blocked half of the country on Twitter. Max is just crazy enough to make her look somewhat sane.
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The feds has a very good idea to make feminine hygiene products free where people work. It is a very bipartisan idea. This is Max's reaction to it...

Bernier has the politics of a 4chan troll. It's something we've never seen in Canadian politics.
