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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I can't believe how clueless the Liberal party is. If they think picking this uncharismatic, corrupt, career-politician as their next leader offers them any chance at electoral success, even against someone as hated as Doug Ford, they're completely out to lunch. What person in their right mind sees Del Duca and thinks, "Yes! He's the perfect leader to spearhead our big comeback!!"?
In case anyone still thought there was any sense to Del Duca becoming the Liberal leader..........

Genius, built a pool in his backyard without the required permits, too close to the lot line, and is now asking for a landswap w/the TRCA in order to make his pool legal.

The TRCA is considering it.


Without seeing the detailed offer I can't intelligently comment, but it does seem plausible this will end up being an ok deal from a conservation perspective.

But even if it does; that doesn't rectify the sense of entitlement and poor judgement involved.
Gross entitlement aside... what's also amazing to me is that someone feels it's worthwhile to go through all this effort to have a pool in our shitty climate, as if he's is Arizona. Outside of a few summer days, that thing is an albatross that requires a ton of work to clean and maintain year-round for no benefit. But that's just me.
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Are you under the impression that the current Premier wasn't elected as a corrupt buffoon?

Elected despite being, not just as.

People really wanted the Liberals out at any cost back then, even if it meant a Ford.

The Liberals really need to clear out the old boys and bring in some fresh blood, or else you’ll get the same issues as before (as evidenced by the federal Liberals).
People really wanted the Liberals out at any cost back then, even if it meant a Ford.
I think that could have been avoided had the Liberals planned ahead. They knew that Mother Wynne was hated, they knew when the next election was coming. The OLP had sufficient knowledge and time to do something about it. Here's what they should have done....dates from Wikipedia

June 12, 2014, the OLP and Wynne win a majority
Sept 12, 2016: Beginning of the second session with throne speech. Wynne announcing intention to step down as leader and resign her seat effective Dec. 31, 2016.
Nov XX, 2016; OLP leadership convention. New leader, perhaps one of the survivors of 2018 is elected leader

That gives them two years to fix their house.
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I think that could have been avoided had the Liberals planned ahead. They knew that Mother Wynne was hated, they knew when the next election was coming. The OLP had sufficient knowledge and time to do something about it. Here's what they should have done....dates from Wikipedia

June 12, 2014, the OLP and Wynne win a majority
Sept 12, 2016: Beginning of the second session with throne speech. Wynne announcing intention to step down as leader and resign her seat effective Dec. 31, 2016.
Nov XX, 2016; OLP leadership convention. New leader, perhaps one of the survivors of 2018 is elected leader

That give them two years to fix their house.

That's definitely what should have happened, as many here, including myself, suggested at the time. Despite rumours of an internal uprising, Wynne somehow managed to hold on as leader until the election even though everyone with some sense of political awareness knew what the dire result for the party would be. It shows just what an out of control ego she had, knowingly bringing down her entire party with her and saddling us with the Ford imbecile.
I agree that selecting Del Duca is a real risk for the OLP as he is so deeply entrenched with the Wynne era. He will also be a convenient whipping boy if/when there are further delays in transportation projects.

Also, while being void of charisma is not a deal-breaker (see Stephen Harper), it is typically risky for the Liberal Party, who historically rely on more charming, media-savvy leaders to inspire their base, and tend to flounder when they have the likes of Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff at the helm.
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People really wanted the Liberals out at any cost back then, even if it meant a Ford.
Had Brown, Elliot or even Mulroney been the leader the PCs would have won by a landslide, likely knocking Wynne's Liberals into Kim Campbell-like territory of between zero and two seats - the point where the Federal PCs never recovered, forcing them to splinter until Harper cobbled the remnants together into the Canadian Conservative Party, sans Progressive.

That's what Ford has cost the OPC, the chance to critically wound the OLP, destroying their ability to regroup for a generation. Instead, by the June 2022 election the OLP will likely have a new leader and mission, and stands to grab much of the thus far ill-deserved NDP presence. 2022 will results in a smaller PC majority.... and then in 2026 we'll see an Ernie Eves-like rout of the PCs (In October 2003 McGuinty's Liberals won 72 of the 103 seats in the Legislature, and Eves' Tories won just 24). All because the Cons couldn't place a leader who would take them in the right direction for the longterm.
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Had Brown, Elliot or even Mulroney been the leader the PCs would have won by a landslide, likely knocking Wynne's Liberals into Kim Campbell-like territory of between zero and two seats - the point where the Federal PCs never recovered, forcing them to splinter until Harper cobbled the remnants together into the Canadian Conservative Party, sans Progressive.

This would lead Ontario in strange new directions if that prediction had come true.

What party would replace the Liberals? Would the NDP attempt to become a big-tent party, absorbing the Liberal remnants? Would the Liberals remain, but return all but different in name?

So many unknowns at that point- but it seems likely that our current timeline will return Ontario to a status-quo condition.
but it seems likely that our current timeline will return Ontario to a status-quo condition.
I agree. I expect significant reduction in NDP seats and a smaller majority for the PCs on 2022, and then Liberal majorities from 2026 onwards.

If Trump loses in a liberal wave across the USA the appetite for right wing governance may collapse earlier in Ontario, perhaps we see PC minority government in 2022. I do believe that Ford, like Trump will have done significant long term damage to their parties in the pursuit of short term flash.
A lot can happen in two years. With Del Duca at the helm, I wouldn't count out Horwath.
IDK, we have a deeply unpopular and damaged premier but we never see Horvath in front of the cameras calling out this BS. When Ernie Eves was premier McGuinty acted essentially as the premier in waiting. Horvath is doing nothing AFAICT.
IDK, we have a deeply unpopular and damaged premier but we never see Horvath in front of the cameras calling out this BS. When Ernie Eves was premier McGuinty acted essentially as the premier in waiting. Horvath is doing nothing AFAICT.

Yeah, it's bizarre. She should be in front of the media daily relentlessly pounding Doug, but she's invisible. For a political veteran of her caliber, it's baffling and even worse, uninspiring. She's blowing a golden opportunity to take advantage of the widespread hate for Doug to be seen as a lightning rod for political change. The party's obviously kept her around too long if she can't even make an effort to put her foot on the throat of her severely injured rival.
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