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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Despite the invasion, Russia will, apparently, still be able to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest in May. (Which Ukraine won last year with a song about the Stalinist deportation of Tartars.) See: CORRECTION. They did NOT win (Italy did) but their song was about the Tartars and was in the finalists.
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This won't happen, Kazakhstan is already essentially a satellite state...Likewise, Georgia was already invaded and had regions annexed in 2008, exact same playbook as Ukraine today, so no real reason to go after Georgia again. Moldova is definitely at risk as well as the Balkans due to their non NATO status.
Moldovia is already a Russian vassal state. Indeed, Ukraine was the one that got away.

Consulate General of
the Russian Federation in
, Canada

Address: 60 Saint Clair Avenue East, 5th floor, Toronto, ON, M4T1N

Consulate General of
the Russian Federation in
, Canada

Address: 60 Saint Clair Avenue East, 5th floor, Toronto, ON, M4T1N
wow really , I just looked it up on google maps to see what it looks like , what boring rusty old office building with no signs , the most exciting part is the Twisted Indian Wraps food shop on street level. I was expecting some better looking building lol... , looks like nothing compared to their embassy in Ottawa lol..
wow really , I just looked it up on google maps to see what it looks like , what boring rusty old office building with no signs , the most exciting part is the Twisted Indian Wraps food shop on street level. I was expecting some better looking building lol... , looks like nothing compared to their embassy in Ottawa lol..
Also on the fifth floor. Buffer offices separating them from protestors?
I can somewhat understand Germany's reluctance to take a hard stand on this conflict. Cultural guilt over WWII runs very deep there, and the last thing they want to be internationally perceived as is aggressive.

But this is not the time to let that hold them back.

It's Germany's reliance on Russian oil and gas too. Though I get why Europe is turning its back on nuclear, the timing for moving from nuclear towards gas as a stop-gap could not have been worse.

Consulate General of
the Russian Federation in
, Canada

Address: 60 Saint Clair Avenue East, 5th floor, Toronto, ON, M4T1N

wow really , I just looked it up on google maps to see what it looks like , what boring rusty old office building with no signs , the most exciting part is the Twisted Indian Wraps food shop on street level. I was expecting some better looking building lol... , looks like nothing compared to their embassy in Ottawa lol..



Interior shot:



Igor Sergeev​

Definitely gives off the warm fuzzies.
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It's Germany's reliance on Russian oil and gas too. Though I get why Europe is turning its back on nuclear, the timing for moving from nuclear towards gas as a stop-gap could not have been worse.
We need to follow the money. Who was on the take in Germany that resulted in this dependence on Russia?
From link.

The ruble-backed MOEX Russia Index plunged as much as 45% before closing 33.3% lower at a 4-year low of 2,058 on Thursday, after Russia launched a full-fledged invasion against Ukraine. Russian forces breached the Ukrainian border through land, sea, and air amid reports of shelling in multiple Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv. Western states announced harsher sanctions are to be imposed as retaliations, while US President Biden promised further measures to hit Russia’s economy. Financial shares, the most exposed to sanctions, fell over 35%, led by Sberbank (-48%) and VTB Bank (-43%), prompting the Central Bank of Russia to ramp up liquidity measures with emergency interventions. State-backed giant Gazprom (-40.5%) also plunged on the threat of sanctions.​

Putin (and his cronies within and without Russia) would have anticipated and planned for the sanctions and stock market collapse.

The West is going to have to do more than tighten Putin’s access to money. Maybe Biden needs to start taking some examples from the Russian playbook, such as cyber warfare and fostering regime change.
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Gerhard Schroder for one.


Disgusting, a former chancellor. It baffled me for a long time that Germany decided to become ever more reliant on gas imported from a corrupt, authoritarian oligarchy that has historically been a political enemy.

What could possibly go wrong in such a scenario??
German dependence on Russian being a question in this thread, I thought this image might be of utility to some:



Note the growth in gas usage, almost entirely from Russian supply; but also what it offset, reduced usage of coal (GHG/smog reduction); and reduced use of Nuclear as well, as per Germany policy (popular w/the public)
to shift away from nuclear and not replace aging reactors as they are retired.

Assuming one is fine w/the premise of the shift; understanding that Germany has few alternatives in terms of hydro-electricity and has pushed solar/wind quite aggressively, the question then really
becomes, could they obtain the gas elsewhere? (not from Russia)


On that note, I would commend this article which explores that very question:

Note that Canada can't be a direct supplier as we lack an LNG terminal on the east coast (one was proposed as part of the 'Energy East' proposal.

In point of fact, Canada exports no LNG at all.

To be clear, I'm not necessarily arguing for that; it would be an expensive endeavour; its not without some risks, and it won't be profitable forever; but we would be one of the more likely suppliers if we had the requisite infrastructure.
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