This would indicate they are more behind than the November firm dates others have received would suggest. So they will divert resources from work on upper floors to try to meet the already-announced November deadlines and limit any potential compensation by pushing not-yet-firm units far into the future.

I wonder what delay 8th/9th floor buyers are getting.
This would indicate they are more behind than the November firm dates others have received would suggest. So they will divert resources from work on upper floors to try to meet the already-announced November deadlines and limit any potential compensation by pushing not-yet-firm units far into the future.

I wonder what delay 8th/9th floor buyers are getting.
Would that mean that the time from firm occupancy and final closing will be at least into March 2024? All floors have to have firm occupancy met in order for the final closing to happen I would think. Can anyone confirm that.
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That’s pretty much the worst case scenarios for us then; we pay occupancy fees while having to wait all the way until March/April to close :(
This would indicate they are more behind than the November firm dates others have received would suggest. So they will divert resources from work on upper floors to try to meet the already-announced November deadlines and limit any potential compensation by pushing not-yet-firm units far into the future.

I wonder what delay 8th/9th floor buyers are getting.
9th floor isn’t units I believe it's common area
This would indicate they are more behind than the November firm dates others have received would suggest. So they will divert resources from work on upper floors to try to meet the already-announced November deadlines and limit any potential compensation by pushing not-yet-firm units far into the future.

I wonder what delay 8th/9th floor buyers are getting.
Assuming one had available cash, I wonder if the developer will allow additional deposits to at least reduce the interest portion of the interim occupancy fee. Interest on the 80% unpaid amount at 7% or so would add up quickly.
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