From the 300 Front Street thread of the Projects & Construction page ...

The Preview Opening for 300 Front Street West will be at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre from August 9th to the 17th for 9 days.

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
North Building, Room 204
255 Front St. W.
11am to 8pm
units start at $625 per square foot for the loft units( 3rd floor / $278.000 for 445 sq ft) and $570 for the tower units ( 7 floor/ $330.000 for 582 sq ft). Just Crazy!!! even the current resale market is not at this high price, why would you buy a pre-construction unit for more money that the market value? it does not make any sense.....
^... This building will not be ready for another few years and prices will be higher and closer to the resale market upon completion... That is if the current trends continue. There is some debate about that, as the economies have slowed and markets have softened... But the price is in line with other new projects
a clear example of what is happening now is 18 Yonge, this project was launched in 2001-2002 and the prices were too much higher than the current market value at that point of time. After 4 years, even with the real estate prices increase, the prices on occupancy date were not too much higher than what was paid 4 years before. Investors did not make too much money on this project, because they paid in advance 2 or 3 years of appreciation. This is what is happening with all these new projects like 1 Bloor, L Tower, Ice Condos, 300 Front. Personally, I would not put any penny on these projects.

Thought I would share the Agent Preview Pricing now on for 300 Front Street West ... I think you get these prices + discount if you get yourself an agent before the public preview on August 9th

Thought I would share the Agent Preview Pricing now on for 300 Front Street West ... I think you get these prices + discount if you get yourself an agent before the public preview on August 9th

wa wa wee wa!

in the words of borat...
you get an agent to show you some brochures, the agent get's a commission from the builder and you still get a better deal than if you walked in without an agent...makes perfect sense.
sad isn't it?? especially if you already have access to the brochure (as in this case), the agent is really there just so that you can purchase in 'preview pricing' and more units to select from ... I really think the system is kind of messed up that agents are always preferred priority, and the walk-in public gets no incentive (discounts) when you don't take an agent in with you
which (stupid) family would pay $600k+ for a tiny 3 bedroom apartment to raise their "family" in, when they could get a huge house with a backyard out in the burbs...

a condo is no place to raise a family. especially not at those prices. adam vaughn doesnt seem to realize this.
you are right, for the same $650k you can get a beautiful new house in Richmond Hill in a great area with 3.000 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 covered parkings
Prices do seem a little on the high side, but it is Tridel, it is a prime location, and the features and amenities are leaning on the high-end side of things.

Keeping in mind that CP3: Aura sold for well over $600 per square foot a few months back, these prices are more or less in line with the current market.
