Senior Member
Some relevant info here, from the York Committee of the Whole (Nov 2 2017 meeting):
Council is strongly opposed to any proposed infrastructure which could increase freight rail traffic through the Region.
The second concern relates to ensuring that the Plan does not identify any projects that could result in increased freight rail movements through York Region. As part of the “In Delivery” Regional Rail and Rapid Transit Network, there is a conceptual new freight corridor shown. This new freight corridor is being studied as it could free up rail capacity for more GO service along the Kitchener GO Rail Corridor by shifting CN freight traffic from the section of the Kitchener line that it owns between Georgetown and Bramalea. This is consistent with the planned expansion of two-way all-day GO Rail service on the Kitchener line as part of the RER plan. The Metrolinx-proposed new freight corridor is more clearly shown in the context of the existing rail corridor ownership on Attachment 13. In recent discussions, Metrolinx staff has indicated the potential new freight corridor will not increase freight rail traffic through York Region as this potential freight corridor will only provide a more direct routing for CN freight traffic already bound to and from the CN-York mainline. The new freight corridor proposed in the Metrolinx Plan differs from the proposal to free up rail capacity along the Milton Rail Corridor which would require rerouting CP freight traffic and significantly increasing freight traffic through York Region. This idea was presented in an earlier August 2015 feasibility study commissioned by the Cities of Cambridge, Mississauga, Toronto and Town of Milton. The details of freeing up capacity on the Milton Rail Corridor were presented to Council in January 2016. In discussions held earlier this year, senior CN staff indicated to senior Regional representatives that CN was also opposed to any connection between the CP/Milton rail line and the CN-York mainline. Staff will continue to monitor rail link planning in the GTA and report to Council if any plans result in significant additional freight rail movements through York Region.