News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
 5.7K     0 

This must be the first time in maybe - four, five? - years that the Bay and Bloor intersection is "complete", as this building, Manulife, and the TD branch are mostly finished their renovations at that intersection and the sidewalks are all fully re-opened. Add 1 Bloor East, 33 Bloor East, the northeast corner of Yonge and Bloor, the Sephora and other renovations along Bloor, and further west past the former Williams Sonoma all the way to the ROM"s new plaza, and for the first time in my more than eight years living here that stretch of Bloor Street isn't an obstacle course of hoarding, scaffolds and jersey barriers. The One and Holt's, those are really the only two exceptions left. And for shits and giggles I'll add 55 Charles West, as those two buildings seemed to have been under perpetual renovation in the same time frame and the scaffolding next to the Aroma was really only recently removed as well.
They were attaching glass fins to the black strips along the facade today. Hardly visible during the day but maybe they’ll show up more when they’re lit up.
