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If downtown TO is a desirable and appropriate place for families to live in three bedroom units in high-rise buildings, why are they not being built already?
If downtown TO is a desirable and appropriate place for families to live in three bedroom units in high-rise buildings, why are they not being built already?
They are some, but in the past decade or so these sized units are well out of the average families reach with psf being so high now. Once again I point to plenty of resale condo apartments that populate MLS, one need only spend an hour looking to find how many of these generously sized family friendly units that there actually are.
If you live and work downtown, a family would be able to cut out at least one car if not both cars, thus freeing up a lot more money to purchase a family-sized unit downtown.
I work downtown and value my time more than my square footage, so raising a family downtown makes sense to me. I personally can't imagine spending all that time commuting back and forth just for an extra room or a patch of green grass that my kids can play in while I'm not there.
I am only considering older units since they are more spacious and I find the layouts to be much better than new builds. The older affordable ones are out there and do pop up, as dt said.
I don't think new ones are being built because larger units sell later in the building process and I presume that effects when a building starts construction. I think a family looking for a unit downtown would look for something available now or soon to be available, rather than a pre-construction unit 3-4 years out. If a couple is planning to have a child or another child, that is something that can't exactly be controlled, so it would make sense to wait to move until you need the space or location rather than plan that far ahead.
Just a thought for you. Have you considered as to where the kids are going to play, go to school or go trick and treat on Halloween night? I recall reading an article, long time ago, in The Star that residents of a building near St. Lawrence Market had canvassed and identified units in the buildings where kids on Halloween night will be welcome.
If you live and work downtown, a family would be able to cut out at least one car if not both cars, thus freeing up a lot more money to purchase a family-sized unit downtown.
I work downtown and value my time more than my square footage, so raising a family downtown makes sense to me. I personally can't imagine spending all that time commuting back and forth just for an extra room or a patch of green grass that my kids can play in while I'm not there.
I am only considering older units since they are more spacious and I find the layouts to be much better than new builds. The older affordable ones are out there and do pop up, as dt said.
I don't think new ones are being built because larger units sell later in the building process and I presume that effects when a building starts construction. I think a family looking for a unit downtown would look for something available now or soon to be available, rather than a pre-construction unit 3-4 years out. If a couple is planning to have a child or another child, that is something that can't exactly be controlled, so it would make sense to wait to move until you need the space or location rather than plan that far ahead.
I never said that a family needed to be out of the city to raise kids properly. I just said that a lot of people believe that that's what's best. Which means it doesn't really matter if you personally don't think that to be true. The reality is that you can get homes for the same price as a condo, and a lot of people do value space more than they value their time.
For me, the pressing issue here isn't proving one person right or the other wrong, it's curbing sprawl. And that's why I think we need to convince people that raising a family in a condo is ok. I will add that I think there is still place for single-detached homes in Toronto. I grew up in one, and I was happy. But I was fortunate enough to have parents who could afford a house that is close to downtown. Most families don't have that luxury, and are driving the demand for pushing subdivisions farther and farther out of the city.
And that's bad.
Why is it bad that homes downtown are not affordable for the average Joe?
Toronto's motto is "Diversity Our Strength". I think we can and should strive for this with housing. This means family housing and housing that is affordable downtown, as well as luxury housing and everything inbetween. The city is healthier and more sustainable this way.
The car is not a reality for me.I don't own a car for a number of reasons (including environmental) and can get everywhere by transit and walking. I've lived downtown for four years now and have not yet needed a car for anything. Immediately prior to Toronto, I lived in Atlanta where you can only get around in a car and it was hell. I hated the feeling of being trapped by 4 wheels. Pollution was horrendous there and driving was stressful. I don't want or need that.
At the end of the day, it is about choice - you can't live a suburban lifestyle in the core, and if you aren't willing to see that there are alternatives to raising kids in a house (which there are, clearly), the rest of the debate is moot.