Brighter Hell
you've got a point.He did not get fired for "discrimination" when it came to gays, he got fire for being stupid (extremely), offensive, etc. This issue split the Liberal party as well, should all those that do not agree with legalizing gay marriage be "fired" as well for "discriminatory behaviour". Then we will only have like-minded individuals and no debate.
as for marriage being religious, you'd have a hard time convincing me of that. marriage has been around since people felt the need to mate for life. it's a custom that's just as old as the concept of a god. if marriage was ever religious by nature, then so was education, government, recreation, work....
as for incest, keeping the gene pool from getting messed up is in the public interest. so having children by way of incest will always be illegal. incest will never be legalized - how do you permit someone to have sex or get married but ban them from having children?
but poligamy... unfaithfulness is really common so who knows?