In a high quality building like this, the cost is warranted. As you mentioned previously, the nat gas savings will go a long way here.

I doubt very much that Concert and the shadow Board/Property Manager will do anything at this stage. Within 30 days of registration, I think the turnover meeting has to be scheduled or something like that. Since that happened a couple of weeks ago, we should be getting some notice soon about the turnover meeting. This is an unusual situation here with no occupancy period, so not sure 100% of the exact timing. Someone on the lower floors should contact the property managers and ask about the timing.
In my building, we registered in June and had the turnover meeting in November. Similar timing at another building I know of. Different developer though.
In my building, we registered in June and had the turnover meeting in November. Similar timing at another building I know of. Different developer though.

Perhaps your developer was still the majority owner for a period after registration (see below). In our case here at Berczy, that is not the case. It should be a quick turnover, maybe too fast as many owners may not even have moved in yet.

From the condo act:

Turn-over meeting
43. (1) The board elected or appointed at a time when the declarant owns a majority of the units shall, not more than 21 days after the declarant ceases to be the registered owner of the majority of the units, call a meeting of owners to elect a new board. 1998, c. 19, s. 43 (1).

Who may call meeting
(2) If the board does not call the meeting within the required time, an owner or a mortgagee having the right to vote under section 48 may call the meeting. 1998, c. 19, s. 43 (2).

Time of meeting
(3) The board shall hold the meeting within 21 days after it is called. 1998, c. 19, s. 43 (3).
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Nope, all units were sold and occupied more than 21 days before the meeting was called. Oh well, hope it happens on time for you guys, although as you say, it would be good to get people moved in first. The first board is so important -- lots of stuff to deal with. Having gone through it, I highly encourage people to step up -- it's your investment, and it's interesting!
on a different topic, has anyone seen the flashing on the NW side between the two buildings. It looks awful. And it looks permanent. Anyone else have an opinion?
What do you mean by "flashing"? Let me know and I'll lookout for it next time I'm by.

Flashing is thin sheet metalwork often seen around chimneys and eave troughs. In this case they used it to cover the gap where The Berczy abuts the Moroccan restaurant to the west on Front Street. Take a look. The workmanship is poor, the flashing is crumpled and compared to the rest of the exterior it looks very shoddy.
I was there when it was being installed and I totally agree it looks terrible. Surely, Concert will have this changed.
Question for those closing and may have had their lawyers tell them closing costs. Any word on the $5000 new development charges cap?
By the way, exterior building lights were on last night for the first time except for the north side up high. It was nice to see. However I did think the lights on the east side of the building were far too bright.I was waiting for the ball hockey players to take to the street.
Just checking in. Has anyone moved in? There was some talk about the first owners moving in this weekend....or the latest tomorrow. So curious. Any comments or feedback?
