The key restrictions are runway length and the ban on jets which limits the choices of aircraft that Jazz could use.

If noise levels make a difference at the island, is a Q400 quieter or louder than a DHC8-100?

It could actually be a wash or even quieter. The Q has slow turning props which tend to turn a lot quieter. Combine that with the active noise and vibration suppression systems, and the plane is probably on par or quieter.
In terms of transit, the original waterfront west LRT report showed on some maps (but never discussed in any detail) a loop at the ferry docks, with access both ways onto Queens Quay and to Bathurst. As a whole though, my guess is that as long as the ferry is in place Porter's shuttle will work as well or better as any local transit. As far as the DRL goes, I have never heard of any suggestion of taking it south of the rail corridor, and frankly can't see any way it would be justified.

The thought I have had in the past is that if the Port Authority could be convinced to sell off all but rwy 08/26 there would be enough room freed on the island to expand the park and build a significant amount of housing. The airport's (commercial) capacity wouldn't be impacted, we could at least start to appease the people who want the airport for a park, and I'm guessing that 2-3 story condos in a car free island development could be extremely profitable, even next to an active airport. With this development we could look at a streetcar tunnel from the foot of Bathurst, with an underground station for the airport termina, crossing under the runwayl and a loop at the Hanlan's Point ferry docks. While a ferry would still be needed for vehicle access, this would be a more useful setup than the tunnel we heard about over the summer, would create a fixed link to the islands as a whole and wouldn't risk generally opening them to vehicles.
Apparently Air Canada is getting impatient and is suing in federal court to gain access to the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport.

Wasn't there an issue about Porter owning the hangars on the Island which is why AC was evicted, i.e., they had no place to store their planes? I didn't think it was so much that AC wasn't allowed to fly as they weren't allowed to park.:)
Hangar space on the island is a concern. There were talks of Porter building a new hangar on the south side of the Airport. Their current hangar space only fits two aircraft (It could just be one, but i think it's two... it's now been a full year since I've worked there and the memory is a bit blurry) and most of porter's plane sit at their gates overnight (well those of them that are in YTZ at the end of the night at least).

There is some space on the south and west sides of the airport for additional hangars, but you're talking about a very cramped set up.

Also, for those interested, Google Earth has recent images of the airport where you can see the shape of the new expansion and some of the new fingers.
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oh ya, a post in another thread reminded me... I asked my friends at Porter if they have been calling it "Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport" and they laughed. Apparently no one is calling it that.
I know when I worked there we rarely called it Toronto City Centre Airport. It was usually Toronto Island Airport. Even during announcements and when talking to passengers. So I'm always amused when I read on this message board "Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport". It seems way to forced, when we at the airport just referred to it as the island.
^ It was ridiculous and irrelveant politicking in my opinion. Nobody, amongst the public will call it anything but the "Island Airport". People don't even call it the "city centre airport". More knowledgeable aviation types will just say "YTZ". So I really don't know who they're trying to impress here.
Who knows. It's just a mouthful anyways. If I'm a Porter employee and I'm trying to explain to someone why their flight has been diverted to Pearson and how we plan to get them from YTZ to their plane, it would be so annoying to have to say "Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport" every single time. You're already stressed and annoyed by the situation, you don't need some political name to annoy you further.
Nobody, amongst the public will call it anything but the "Island Airport".
And what about those who said that no one would call the other airport anything but "Malton Airport", and that no one would call it Lester B. Pearson International Airport?

Simply call it Bishop.
And what about those who said that no one would call the other airport anything but "Malton Airport", and that no one would call it Lester B. Pearson International Airport?

Simply call it Bishop.

The difference being that Malton is not a defining feature of Toronto or a tourist attraction like the Island is. The defining featuring of YTZ is that it is on an Island and it is at the city centre. People are far more likely to call it the "City Centre airport" before they say "Bishop airport".

You could be right in the long run. Maybe "Bishop International" or "Bishop Island" will catch on. But I'm really doubtful in this case.
The difference being that Malton is not a defining feature of Toronto or a tourist attraction like the Island is. The defining featuring of YTZ is that it is on an Island and it is at the city centre. People are far more likely to call it the "City Centre airport" before they say "Bishop airport".

You could be right in the long run. Maybe "Bishop International" or "Bishop Island" will catch on. But I'm really doubtful in this case.

It will take time but I think it between Malton and Pearson, wasn't it just called Toronto International Airport?.....when it got renamed Lester B Pearson International there were grave doubts that it would be ever called that....and they were right it simply became Pearson. Billy Bishop may become Bishop in the same way.
The real problem I have with the renaming is that Owen Sound (where Bishop was actually from, no less) already has a Billy Bishop airport. Surely they could have found someone with some connection to Toronto to name the field after.
The real problem I have with the renaming is that Owen Sound (where Bishop was actually from, no less) already has a Billy Bishop airport. Surely they could have found someone with some connection to Toronto to name the field after.

A relative of his conceded to it. And he did train at YTZ. It's not like he has no connection to the airport. I'd venture to say that he probably spent more time flying at YTZ than he did at Owen Sound. That said, I'd agree that it was pure politicking. I would have preferred David Hornell. He was from Mimico. He's a Victoria Cross winner. The current ferry is named after him. And he's still considered a hero in the air force today with numerous buildings and prizes named after him. Sadly, he's probably not as well known as Billy Bishop....which means he isn't worth as much politicially.
Good Morning.

So I finally had my flights on Porter this weekend and I must concede that I really did enjoy them. The flight was smooth and the food, even though it was a small amount was great. No complaints overall. However just one comment. I know that I will not be sitting in the window seats anymore. They are a bit too cramped if you have someone sitting beside you. Please note that this is the same on any regional jet currently out there.

Fun stuff this morning on my return flight to Toronto. We were on the runway in Montreal (YUL) and then started our take off roll. Then all of a sudden as we were roaring down the runway, they reversed thrust and stopped the plane quickly. We were all a bit stunned by what had taken place. We exited the runway and they came on over the public announcement system and said that runway safety could not be guaranteed and that was why we stopped. So, for the shortest while we were on the taxiway and then I looked out the window to see an Air Creebec Dash 8 taxiing up the runway we were just roaring down. So, now I know what was meant. Everyone assumed that there was something wrong with the plane. Anyhow, good times for all. That was a first for me and I fly once to twice monthly.

Thanks for all the good words about Porter. I really did enjoy. Hope to do it again soon because the time savings to and from the airport are HUGE.
