Would Porter need two lounges in those locations? Or would US bound travellers from those locations simply not get lounge access and services.

Does Air Canada have lounges in both the US and domestic areas in Halifax and Montreal (and/or Ottawa)?

I would expect that Porter lounges on the US side would wait until there are flights to multiple US destinations, or significant traffic to one.

Just wait for the day we see Porter lounges in Boston, Newark and at Reagan!

I wonder if there are lounges in those airports that could be accessed through some sort of deal with one of the US airlines (especially if some sort of code-share arrangement ends up happening).

While we are replicating Toronto amenities at other airports, a "Porter Shuttle" to downtown would be a really nice addition in Montreal. It might be expensive, but combined with the Porter Shuttle in Toronto, you would be looking at close to $100 in cabs saved downtown to downtown vs. Air Canada through Pearson (one way) which could allow them to keep their fares up.

EDIT: One way to use limited space effectively would be for a lounge to actually block off one or more gates, putting those gates inside the lounge. The waiting areas for those gates could be incorporated into the lounge space. For example, in Ottawa, it would be interesting to extend the Porter lounge at both ends to put gates 18 and 20 inside the lounge so that you would not need to leave the lounge to go to the gate.
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While we are replicating Toronto amenities at other airports, a "Porter Shuttle" to downtown would be a really nice addition in Montreal. It might be expensive, but combined with the Porter Shuttle in Toronto, you would be looking at close to $100 in cabs saved downtown to downtown vs. Air Canada through Pearson (one way) which could allow them to keep their fares up.

I wouldn't say that it excuses fare competition (since most people book from fare engines like expedia and don't remember the amenities). But it certainly provides value added, just like all the other perks. And it really isn't all that expensive for Porter to run a few shuttle buses in each city. Given that most flights are on the hour, they might be able to get by with only one shuttle bus. I would suggest they do that in Halifax as well where accessing the airport is an even bigger deal. And if they can somehow style the buses so that they better reflect the Porter brand, that would be a good bonus too.

EDIT: One way to use limited space effectively would be for a lounge to actually block off one or more gates, putting those gates inside the lounge. The waiting areas for those gates could be incorporated into the lounge space. For example, in Ottawa, it would be interesting to extend the Porter lounge at both ends to put gates 18 and 20 inside the lounge so that you would not need to leave the lounge to go to the gate.

I wonder if there are airport/security rules that prevent doing that. I don't think I've ever seen a lounge directly attached to a gate like what you've proposed. I've seen lounge entrances attached to gates so that someone coming off a plane can go right into the lounge. But I've never seen a waiting area that is a lounge. If it's allowed, it'd be an amazing idea.

I don't know if Porter could afford to do it, but I would love for Porter to actually match Air Canada's lounges in some ways. Offer some snacks (light sandwiches, soup, fruit, cheese and deli bar) and alcohol (even if it's limited to a drink or two). To me, that would justify higher prices. Porter's lounges are nice today. But a free cappucino and wifi, isn't necessarily enough to the average person to justify higher prices than AC or WJ.
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since most people book from fare engines like expedia

I wonder if that is true for Porter passengers. I have always booked my flights through the Porter website (or the WJ or Air Canada websites). There are so few options for domestic travel that I've never seen the need to bother with an aggregator website.

If you book through expedia, do you still get VIPorter points?

But I've never seen a waiting area that is a lounge. If it's allowed, it'd be an amazing idea.

The advantage to Porter would be that would be able to control more of the passenger's travel experience (at least post-security), setting them apart from being just another airline at the airport at a gate that looks like all the others.

but I would love for Porter to actually match Air Canada's lounges in some ways. Offer some snacks (light sandwiches, soup, fruit, cheese and deli bar) and alcohol (even if it's limited to a drink or two).

I think with the current load levels, they need to keep costs to a minimum. But if the loads improved, perhaps it would generate the revenue to allow something like that. According the prospectus, they bring in $166 per passenger (per flight), so even 3-4 more passengers per trip could bring in enough cash to pay for the increased food/drink costs (even after accounting for the regular marginal costs of adding passengers which shouldn't be very much).
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I wonder if that is true for Porter passengers. I have always booked my flights through the Porter website (or the WJ or Air Canada websites). There are so few options for domestic travel that I've never seen the need to bother with an aggregator website.

If you book through expedia, do you still get VIPorter points?

I don't know if they would automatically get it (I've never seen what you fill out upon checkout on expedia), but you're able to add the flight to your VIPorter account at the checkin desk/boarding desk. You can even add a flight retroactively as long as it occured after you got your VIPorter account.
If you book through expedia, do you still get VIPorter points?

I know you can link your Aeroplan and lots of other points programs through Expedia, but I haven't noticed if Porter is there. You made me curious so I checked, and yes, it's in the list.
While we are replicating Toronto amenities at other airports, a "Porter Shuttle" to downtown would be a really nice addition in Montreal. It might be expensive, but combined with the Porter Shuttle in Toronto, you would be looking at close to $100 in cabs saved downtown to downtown vs. Air Canada through Pearson (one way) which could allow them to keep their fares up.

Montreal has finally begun an airport express bus, with a premium STM fare for one-time passengers (but no extra charge for pass holders).
Every 20-30 minutes, one-time cash fare is $7, but that includes a 24-hour pass on the STM network.


The lack of a decent bus to Montreal-Trudeau has been one factor as to why I've been taking VIA to Montreal, rather than fly.
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The lack of a decent bus to Montreal-Trudeau has been one factor as to why I've been taking VIA to Montreal, rather than fly.
Too bad the Victoria Stolport never worked out.

According to this: http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/324570/
Transport Canada was actually the owner of the six DHC-6 Twin Otters purchased for the operation, which were then leased to Airtransit. Flights were between Ottawa's Rockcliffe airport, and Montreal's Victoria Carpark (the former Expo-67 parking lot, named for it's proximity to the Victoria Pier). Flights began on July 24, 1974, and ended in April 1976. 157,700 passengers were carried on 23,895 flights for a load factor of 59.8% during the experiment (weekend flights were noted as bringing down the factor significantly)

City Centre Airways actually got a license to fly the Toronto Island - Rockcliffe - Victoria Stolport triangle but nothing ever came of it.


Porter Airlines expands multi-flight Porter Pass program

TORONTO, May 12 /PRNewswire/ - Porter Airlines is offering an expanded selection of prepaid multi-flight options with its Porter Pass program. Passes cover every Porter route or region, offering greater flexibility and price predictability for frequent travel. It is an ideal choice for business or personal use.

Valid for one year from purchase, Passes are available in denominations of 10, 20, 50, and 100 one-way flights. Three package types allow for travel between Toronto and Ottawa or Montreal, within Canada or across Porter's entire Canadian and U.S. network. Ten Passes are reserved for individual use, while 20, 50, and 100 Passes can be shared among friends and colleagues. All Porter Pass flights are eligible for VIPorter frequent flyer program points and complimentary seat selection.

"After experiencing such a positive response to Porter Passes on our Toronto-Ottawa and Toronto-Montreal routes over the last two years, the same option is now available across our entire network," said Robert Deluce, president and CEO of Porter Airlines. "This is the most generous and cost-effective pass program among Canadian airlines."

With a variety of network options and fare classes, small- and medium-sized businesses, students and other frequent flyers can choose a Porter Pass to meet their travel requirements.

Pricing details for Porter Pass(+):

Triangle(x) Canada U.S. and Canada
Packages Firm Flexible Freedom Flexible Freedom Flexible Freedom
10 Passes $1,295 $2,195 $2,695 $2,495 $2,995 $2,995 $3,495
20 Passes -- n/a --- $4,390 $5,390 $4,990 $5,990 $5,990 $6,990
50 Passes -- n/a --- $10,426 $12,801 $11,851 $14,226 $14,226 $16,601
100 Passes -- n/a --- $19,755 $24,255 $22,455 $26,995 $26,995 $31,455
(x) Valid for Toronto-Montreal and Toronto-Ottawa routes
(+) Tax (as applicable) will be applied to the base price noted above,
charged at the time of booking

Complete Porter Pass details can be found at www.flyporter.com.
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While it's nice to see more options, the price has gone way up for the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal triangle. It used to be $1050 + GST. Now it's $1295 + GST and PST. That sucks.
Porter delays planned initial public offering


Porter Aviation Holdings Inc. plans to delay the date of a public offering of its shares and will drop the price as well after investors failed to jump on the original pricing. The Toronto Island airline now intends to price its initial public offering at $5.50 a share, down from between $6 and $7 a share previously, a source familiar with the matter said. The offering, which was originally planned on or around May 21, had already been delayed a week because of the turmoil in the market created by the Greek crisis. It will now take place Tuesday, due in part to the Memorial Day holiday weekend in the U.S., the source said. Porter still intends to raise roughly $120 million through the offering, which would imply roughly 21.8 million shares would be sold, with an overall allotment of up to 15 per cent.

Looks like Bay Street sentiment agrees with the consensus here.
It will now take place Tuesday, due in part to the Memorial Day holiday weekend in the U.S., the source said. Porter still intends to raise roughly $120 million through the offering.

The IPO didn't happen today and it looks like it has been postponed indefinitely.
This is going to impact their expansion plans, I'm not sure how much though.
The IPO didn't happen today and it looks like it has been postponed indefinitely.
This is going to impact their expansion plans, I'm not sure how much though.

My broker advised that it is cancelled (which I guess is just another way of saying postponed indefinitely).
Porter has been assigned 44 of the 90 remaining slots at the BBTCA.

Air Canada will get 30 and Continental will get 16. That essentially means 15 Air Canada departures (7-8 each to YUL and YOW? Will they try flights to New York?) And 8 for Continental (one destination or two? -- probably EWR and/or CLE)


TORONTO, June 23 /CNW/ - The Toronto Port Authority ("TPA") today announced that Air Canada and Continental Airlines have submitted responses that met the initial requirements outlined in the formal Request for Proposals ("RFP") for additional commercial airline services at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport ("BBTCA").

Airport Coordination Limited ("ACL"), an independent international consultancy firm expert in demand and capacity assessment and scheduling process management, evaluated the RFP responses with regard to BBTCA slot requests. During a recent session with the carriers, ACL allocated the 90 available BBTCA slots amongst Air Canada, Continental Airlines and the existing carrier, Porter Airlines. ACL allocated the slots as follows: Porter Airlines, 44 slots; Air Canada, 30 slots; and Continental Airlines, 16 slots. To arrive at this arrangement, ACL is implementing an allocation methodology comparable to that used at other popular North American airports. The balance of the allocation process is expected to be completed in July. This final step will provide carriers with sufficient time to pre-market their new BBTCA services, which are expected to commence upon the completion of the recently-opened new BBTCA terminal.
^ Really takes a bite out of the CommunityAIR arguments that there's no demand for a waterfront airport.
