There wasn't much demand when AC was there before. Porter has done a good marketing job and created the demand. Let the price wars begin!
Porter doesn't really create demand*. Outisde of the private pilot community, there isn't really "demand" for the island airport. The demand that Porter meets is for an inexpensive, convenient and fast way of getting to neighbouring (and some not-so-neighouring) cities.

For example, if VIA was to provide faster, cheaper, more frequent and more comfortable service from union station to Ottawa, I would likely take that rather than Porter.

I'm in favour of the island airport because I can't see any viable alternative that would provide better service. I flew to Ottawa last week -- I left my uptown apartment at 5:45am and was at the University of Ottawa at 8am. My meeting ended at 3pm and I was home at 5:30pm. Come up with a faster alternative and I will be on board.

*Advertising can potentially create demand by making people consider a trip they might not otherwise taken (I flew to Mount Tremblant to go skiing because Porter started offering the service when I was not planning to go skiing at all). However, I strongly suspect that majority of Porter flights are trips that would have happened by some other transport if Porter had not been there.
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Well, ok, if you want to get semantically picky :). But fact is, not much was going on there when AC was flying, and now it's busier. Porter obviously offered a service that people wanted at a price they were willing to pay. Good for the little guy, I say.

When Air Ontario was flying out of the island, there was pretty good service to Ottawa and Montreal. But then they became Jazz and reduced their service to where the first flight to Ottawa in the morning was 8:30am and the last flight back was 4:30pm. Not too useful for same day travel. There was no weekend service at all.
There wasn't much demand when AC was there before. Porter has done a good marketing job and created the demand.

I think that their main thing is their cheap fares - am I right or wrong?

Is it right or wrong that they are gonna expand the airport? Someone told me that a few days ago.
I think that their main thing is their cheap fares - am I right or wrong?

Originally cheap fares were a significant part of it. The fares aren't really different from their competitors now but Porter does have better service and the downtown location.

Is it right or wrong that they are gonna expand the airport? Someone told me that a few days ago.

There are plans for eventually increasing the number of commercial aircraft that can be handled by moving some functions to the other side of the field. There are no plans for expanding the footprint of the airport.
Well, ok, if you want to get semantically picky :). But fact is, not much was going on there when AC was flying, and now it's busier. Porter obviously offered a service that people wanted at a price they were willing to pay. Good for the little guy, I say.

Well, if we are counting Edgestone Capital Partners and Borealis (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Systems) as "little guys" I guess so!

I like Porter but, like their competitors, they are big business/big capital......that's what it takes to start and run an airline.
I think that their main thing is their cheap fares - am I right or wrong?

They've rarely ever been cheaper and usually not by much (few dollars). The time and cost savings come from not having to trudge out to Pearson. Especially from the central and eastern portions of the city, it's nice to be able to easily access the airport using transit. I don't think even high speed rail could be cheaper or faster door-to-door.

Is it right or wrong that they are gonna expand the airport? Someone told me that a few days ago.

It's the CommunityAIR folks that portray everything as expansion. The airport is seeing increasing services. There is no expansion of the airport's footprints. Nor has the restriction on non-prop aircraft been lifted.
Is it right or wrong that they are gonna expand the airport? Someone told me that a few days ago.
- $2.6 million for an Equipment Maintenance building;
- $2.26 million for additional snow removal equipment,
- $800,000 to establish a dedicated airport policing structure to enhance passenger safety;
- $660,000 for an engine "run-up" noise barrier;
- $300,000 to redesign the airport's turning circle to improve efficiency; and
- $240,000 to resurface taxiways.
While a new building (equipment maintenance building) could be considering an expansion, none of the other items in that list involve expansion of anything.
Strange, no demand for travel at BBIA yet Jazz wants more than double the number of slots they were given. Guess they want to fly empty planes.
Strange, no demand for travel at BBIA yet Jazz wants more than double the number of slots they were given. Guess they want to fly empty planes.
No demand? I thought last year was their best year on record.

TPA said:
All TPA operating divisions were profitable in 2009, recording an operating net income of $5,137,000, more than double that observed in 2008. This impressive growth was led by the strong performance of Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport ("BBTCA"), which reported total revenue of $13,796,000 in 2009, an increase of 25 per cent over 2008's revenue of $11,020,000.

After deducting amortization, adjustments, the royalty paid to the Government of Canada and Payments in Lieu of Taxes ("PILTs") made to the City of Toronto, the TPA's total net income was $1,346,000 in 2009, up 56 per cent from $863,000 in 2008.

The BBTCA's financial performance is on track to improve again in 2010, based upon increased passenger traffic experienced during the first quarter of 2010, as well as the pending allocation of additional operating slots to commercial carriers.
No demand? I thought last year was their best year on record.

Yes I'm agreeing with you. I was being sarcastic. Jazz was here years ago and people said there wasn't enough demand to support the service, yet now as Jazz returns they want upwards of 90 landing slots for an airport that a mere few years ago didn't have enough demand.

Obviously there's a market and Porter has defined and advertised to that market, and been successful.
:p Went completely over my head.
