I'm surprised the city hasnt brought up the "funicular walkway" option up for a study. I mean if they were stupid enough to study replacing the Bay street streetcar tunnel with the walkway, why dont they waste some more time and money doing it here right?

In all seriousness though, the option that makes most sense (if we're not talking about converting the Island Airport) to getting people over to the island is more ferries. There's simply no other cost effective method to create more green space for downtown residents. The city cant even afford to deliver 2 relatively straightforward parks (Rees St and Harbour St), so in what world could they afford to do anything that's even more complicated?
The city cant even afford to deliver 2 relatively straightforward parks (Rees St and Harbour St), so in what world could they afford to do anything that's even more complicated?

Rees Street is funded.

Not sure what you're aiming at in respect of Harbour Street.
Rees Street is funded.

Not sure what you're aiming at in respect of Harbour Street.
Well that's news to me, are you aware of what the has been delay in getting the construction started is if it's not a cost issue?

Regarding Harbour St, this is the parcel i'm referring to:

Well that's news to me, are you aware of what the has been delay in getting the construction started is if it's not a cost issue?

The Waterfront DRP didn't like the design direction at all, (they were right), it led to the Landscape Architect contract being terminated.

A new RFP for Park design should be going out shortly.

Regarding Harbour St, this is the parcel i'm referring to:

View attachment 596706

This one is being built by the developer. The timing is normally triggered by different building permits, I can't recall if that's the case here, but seeing as they seem to be readying to move the school ahead, I think you'll find the park is likely going to be tied timing wise to the school opening.

*note that this section of street is no longer to be named Harbour, but instead Downes Street.
The Waterfront DRP didn't like the design direction at all, (they were right), it led to the Landscape Architect contract being terminated.

A new RFP for Park design should be going out shortly.
Well that's definitely reassuring and good to know, hopefully the cost doesnt escalate and lead to the city needing to find additional funds to deliver it.

This one is being built by the developer. The timing is normally triggered by different building permits, I can't recall if that's the case here, but seeing as they seem to be readying to move the school ahead, I think you'll find the park is likely going to be tied timing wise to the school opening.

*note that this section of street is no longer to be named Harbour, but instead Downes Street.
News to me again, I was under the thinking that the park would be delivered by the city and not the developer. But since that's the case, makes sense why the timeline is delayed with this one.

@Northern Light is bringing the heat the details, always appreciated.
Well that's definitely reassuring and good to know, hopefully the cost doesnt escalate and lead to the city needing to find additional funds to deliver it.

News to me again, I was under the thinking that the park would be delivered by the city and not the developer. But since that's the case, makes sense why the timeline is delayed with this one.

@Northern Light is bringing the heat the details, always appreciated.

Not to side track this thread too much, but here's a link w/the current'ish status of Rees:

RFP was due to be out by now, I thought.
