Oh, it will definitely give you trouble, I assure you.
I meant I never used to have a problem spelling it correctly.

When I started my first corporate job back in the late 1990s, part of the interview process was a typed essay without spell or grammer check, specifically designed to catch those folks who can not clearly communicate.

Some of my pet peeves...

- Those that say pronounciation when it's pronunciation.
- You're replaced by your
- They're replaced by their or there
- Our replaced by are
- Misuse of I with me, or them with us
What about those complaining about grammar, but spell it grammer? :)
When I started my first corporate job back in the late 1990s, part of the interview process was a typed essay without spell or grammer check, specifically designed to catch those folks who can not clearly communicate

The thing is that such a test only provide evidence that a person can spell some words and write reasonably well-structures sentences. It does not provide any evidence that a person can communicate effectively in writing.
The thing is that such a test only provide evidence that a person can spell some words and write reasonably well-structures sentences. It does not provide any evidence that a person can communicate effectively in writing.

I disagree. It depends on what the assignment is. If you ask people to argue a simple point, you can get quite a lot of insight into how well they can communicate.

Time to move this to a separate thread and move this discussion back to the topic.
Back to the thread topic, I'd be curious to know if anyone on here has flown Porter lately and, if so, how full the plane was. Last time I flew Porter was in July to Montreal and the flight was pretty full there and back.
When I flew to Ottawa - back in Auust I think - the flight was continuing to Halifax and it was jammed full.
Someone told me the other day that one of the Chartered Banks has switched to Porter for all flights to Montreal and Ottawa. This really shows Porter's momentum.

My guess is that Porter's upcoming expansion to NYC will be a huge success. It will really put Porter on the map.
They are also starting to fly to Mt. Tremblant this winter. This is a popular destination so it should be interesting to see how this route turns out in terms of popularity.
Someone told me the other day that one of the Chartered Banks has switched to Porter for all flights to Montreal and Ottawa. This really shows Porter's momentum.
Certainly it shows Porter is giving one of the banks a lot of free tickets....
Andrea, why are you so against considering that Porter might be viable? The airline is privately owned (thus not subject to the demands of aggressive short-term profit demanding pension fund share holders) the owner is rich, he's paid for his planes outright, bought his own terminal, is operating out of one of the best located airports in North America, the planes are flying with good passenger loads, and apparently has good friends at the banks for when financing may be needed or preferred. Sounds like a perfect airline start-up.
Apparently Porter is doing quite well. They're supposedly turning quite a bit profit. I'm really looking forward to their NYC service. Even if the ticket's a bit pricier than competitors, it still shaves off $60(x2) in taxi costs and must easily save an hour and half of bureaucracy.
Plus, you get the chance to shaft Air Canada. It's about time that sorry excuse for an airline, with its poor service, nasty personnel, delays, etc. had some real competition. We have to remind ourselves, if Air Canada was well run, Porter wouldn't stand a chance.
I must fly a different Air Canada than many other people as I find their service relatively good compared to some of the other airlines I've used.
I've had nothing but good experiences with Air Canada as well and often wonder where all these complaints come from.

Though I've often heard people blame Air Canada for things that the airline has nothing to do with, such as customs or baggage getting lost in the processing system at the airport.
