Active Member
It's not their job, which is why it's taken on as part-time Paid Duty work. It entirely possible that the police heads or their union orders their membership to refuse paid duty. That will force Pride to provide their own security, on their dime.
The Union's position....
“We would always provide security (as is required at any normal protest or parade) but why would we do anything more than the bare minimum,” he said. “The message is clear we are not welcome.” http://www.torontosun.com/2017/01/18/pride-ban-slap-in-the-face-to-cops-mccormack
The TPS precedents...
TPS aren't obliged to police free security for events. TPS have refused paid duty for large events before, https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/...spended-at-muzik-after-multiple-shooting.html
That sounds ethically questionable. Imagine the backlash the doctors or teachers would get if they politicized themselves like that.