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Apparently it's racist if you say that everyone's life matters. Or at least that's what we are supposed to think, according to BLM.

It's actually pretty ignorant. If any disadvantaged group speaks out against this retort with "well, we should worry about everyone" (paraphrased) is extremely ignorant and short sighted. It does nothing to address the problem and believe me there is a problem unless you live under a rock.

Are people upset with the name? Would people be more on board if the group was named "All Lives Matter" and dealt specifically with issues involving people of color? I don't believe so and the "All Lives Matter" thing is nonsense and just a deflection used by some who don't even want to discuss the problems. But who really wants to discuss a problem that they believe has nothing to do with them..and hence..these silly conversations. I think there's a group of people that believe systemic oppression is a ____ problem and should be addressed by said group. But that's not true. It's a problem that we all have to deal with and won't be addressed unless everyone buys in.
It's actually pretty ignorant. If any disadvantaged group speaks out against this retort with "well, we should worry about everyone" (paraphrased) is extremely ignorant and short sighted. It does nothing to address the problem and believe me there is a problem unless you live under a rock.

But that isn't the issue in play here at all.

First of all, the "disadvantage" in question is simply an allegation...not a fact. The OP's allegation that "countless blacks are
systematically discriminated against and killed by racist Toronto police officers "
is hardly an established fact ('s a lie), let alone the giant problem you seem to think the rest of us are ignorant to.

Secondly...if any group has a legitimate claim to being systematically discriminated against by Toronto police officers, it's the LGBT community. But it's so great to see how far these two groups have come to accepting and supporting each other, to the point that Toronto Police actually participate in celebrating the LGBT community and joining them in solidarity in their parade. It's by any accounts a success story.

Now, for this anti-cop hate group to hijack the LGBT parade and demand that Pride organizers now treat the Toronto police force as their enemy is simply untenable. How dare they. I'm ashamed at Pride for even giving them the time of day.

Ironically, if BLM Toronto really genuinely wanted to find a solution to their perceived problem with the Toronto police force, they should examine how those two groups found a solution to their problems, rather than try to undermine it.
But that isn't the issue in play here at all.

First of all, the "disadvantage" in question is simply an allegation...not a fact. The OP's allegation that "countless blacks are
systematically discriminated against and killed by racist Toronto police officers "
is hardly an established fact ('s a lie), let alone the giant problem you seem to think the rest of us are ignorant to.

Secondly...if any group has a legitimate claim to being systematically discriminated against by Toronto police officers, it's the LGBT community. But it's so great to see how far these two groups have come to accepting and supporting each other, to the point that Toronto Police actually participate in celebrating the LGBT community and joining them in solidarity in their parade. It's by any accounts a success story.

Now, for this anti-cop hate group to hijack the LGBT parade and demand that Pride organizers now treat the Toronto police force as their enemy is simply untenable. How dare they. I'm ashamed at Pride for even giving them the time of day.

Ironically, if BLM Toronto really genuinely wanted to find a solution to their perceived problem with the Toronto police force, they should examine how those two groups found a solution to their problems, rather than try to undermine it.

Well, that was a classic pivot.
Which part? Should I apologize to your house for comparing it to a rock?

Where should I begin?

You actually didn't articulate the just said if one couldn't understand why it is, one must be "living under a rock" (I assume this means I must be stupid). I find that offensive

Your assertion that having a differing opinion equals going out of my way to be offensive, is an accusation I find offensive. As is the idea that I shouldn't express my opinion less risk offending someone.

A Rasmussen poll finds that just 31% of African-Americans identify with the term “black lives matter,” suggesting that support for the controversial movement is much weaker than has been suggested.

Asked, “Which statement is closest to your own—black lives matter or all lives matter?”, 31% of likely black voters said they embraced “black lives matter,” while almost two thirds (64%) said the phrase “all lives matter” more closely resembled their views.

Support for “all lives matter” amongst black Americans is strong despite numerous claims by Black Lives Matter activists that even using the term is racist.

I guess 2/3 of black americans are racist against blacks as well?
Society is set up in such a way that is breeding poverty towards black people which breeds violence and hence the killing of black men by other black men. Nonetheless it's not the fault of the black men. It's society that makes them that way and therefore whenever a black person kills another black person, a rich white man should go to jail as well for making this happen. The black man may have literally pulled the trigger but the fault lays more with the white man since he made society like that.
In what way is society set up that it breeds poverty towards black people? Black on black murder is not the fault of those committing it because society is putting pressure on them to act this way? Really? Are black men incapable of thinking their way out of tough situations and thus are helpless and reflexively kill each other because they have no other choice? You are completely off your rocker if you truly believe that. All the social problems among blacks are because of whitey. That is what you have been told to believe, anyway. It's because of white people that your ancestors were freed from slavery and eventually given equal rights. Don't forget that.

You might as well say that if I were to go out and rape a girl that I should be absolved and someone else is to blame because my mind has been tarnished by pornography and sexual imagery in movies and television shows, etc. and therefore I can't control my urges. What you're saying is so farcical. Even if what you believe is true about whites having an upper hand and blacks being treated unfairly, that doesn't negate the fact that God/nature (whatever you believe) gave each of us a brain and the ability to think critically and objectively and the power to work ourselves out of ruts. We are not helpless children. Some people (not entire races) are born into very difficult situations, but there are countless examples of said people overcoming huge obstacles in life (I proved that with my reference to Ben Carson. He had no dad and a poor, uneducated mom. How did he manage to become a smart, wealthy man without killing anyone?). You're essentially saying that black men have no recourse and are therefore unaccountable for any murder they commit. Are black people guilty of anything then? Is every wrongdoing of theirs a result of this rigged system you speak of?

And, yes, the majority of people in the U.S. killed by the cops are white. You just don't hear about that in the mainstream media because it doesn't tie into the narrative that: America is a racist nation.

"You're a damn racist you know that? White privilege doesn't exist and you have only yourself to blame! LOL sounds like it came from Hitler's and Donald Trump's mouth. White people have a lot more opportunities than black people since they are automatically born with a higher status. That's a fact!"

Yes, I'm a racist because my arguments don't reflect your views. Excellent logic and such an original response. You make it seem like all white people are born into royalty. So a white person that is conceived via rape, then placed in an orphanage automatically has a higher status and greater opportunity than a black person born into a stable home, simply because of the shade of his/her skin? You are an asinine fool. Most employers don't care about skin colour, but rather, one's character and achievements. They want intelligent, creative, hard working people. Do you think a bank would hire a white, disheveled dimwit with a high school education over a bright black person with a university degree and excellent presentation and people skills?

"Wow more racist BS! I think you should be in jail for writing this and not the black men who were given no opportunity but I won't tell anybody because it makes me laugh. The problem is not the black family unity, only racist white men can say say something like that. It's that the government is not giving black people enough money and they have to resort to crime. Want the crime to stop? Give unprivileged black people more money and increase social assistance programs by 4-5 times!"

Haha. This is too funny to be true. I should be in jail for expressing myself freely. First, you compare my thoughts to Hitler, and now you're telling me I should be imprisoned for simply stating things which you disagree with. Notice the irony? Hitler was a fascist and you're supporting the same philosophy of punishing those with dissenting views. If you are for real, you are more dangerous than any of the people you are condemning. You're a radicalized twit. And it's so much more amusing that you're white. How could you possibly relate to your fellow BlackLivesMatter brethen if you were born with a "higher status" than them? How could you empathize?

Why does the government have to give any able-bodied/minded black person money to survive? How did black people manage when they lived off the land in the past? They weren't receiving government assistance. Again, the notion that black people must have a social safety net to keep them from acting like barbarians is insulting to the people you are advocating for. Without the government's aid black people can't help but act like savages? That's a great way to empower and motivate blacks, by making them think they are useless on their own. Meanwhile, all other races/cultures, find a way to not kill each other in nearly the same numbers as blacks. Do you hear the jews demanding that the government make amends for their near extinction some 20 odd times throughout human history? I don't recall that. They've been enslaved, tortured, starved, murdered by the millions, etc. and they remain resilient. In fact, there may not be a more successful, tightly bound culture of people that exists. And they've been through far worse, and since the beginning of their history. How is that possible? When was the last time you heard about a jewish person killing another jewish person in the parking lot of a local deli?

Yes, I want the crime to stop, so act like civilized human beings and everything will be fine. Giving them more money and social programs won't suddenly make them any wiser. It won't make them think women aren't hoes, or that life is valuable. Money doesn't change perception. If someone is dumb, they will just blow any extra money on unnecessary things, like alcohol, drugs, superficial items, etc.. Giving money to someone that can't manage it well won't make them better off as they won't use it appropriately.
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Most employers don't care about skin colour, but rather, one's character and achievements. They want intelligent, creative, hard working people. Do you think a bank would hire a white, disheveled dimwit with a high school education over a bright black person with a university degree and excellent presentation and people skills?

They sometimes come up with very creative reasons not to hire candidates of colour who are qualified ...
I'm quite impressed, but probably shouldn't have been, how quickly this argument derails. Sign of the times, I guess.

I will say, though, that anyone that -- at this point -- can't understand the offense they're causing by replying 'All Lives Matter' is living under a rock. C'mon, even if you don't think that it's offensive, the person you are saying it to thinks it's offensive. Why would you go out of your way to be offensive to other people. Say something else instead.
As Ricky Gervais said: "Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right." The notion that something someone says to another individual is interpreted as being offensive doesn't mean it was meant to be. Only the person who expressed the thought knows what they meant to say.

Ben Shapiro said this in relation to a debate re BLM: "The idea that we are supposed to sort of correlate your level of outrage with a certain level of justification; in other words, the more outraged you are, the more angry you are, the more justified you must be is absolute nonsense."
As Ricky Gervais said: "Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right." The notion that something someone says to another individual is interpreted as being offensive doesn't mean it was meant to be. Only the person who expressed the thought knows what they meant to say.

To further doesn't have a "right" to not be offended... regardless of whether said offence was intended to offend or not. There are limits to this of course, which are reflected in laws governing such things (hate speech, etc)

Ben Shapiro said this in relation to a debate re BLM: "The idea that we are supposed to sort of correlate your level of outrage with a certain level of justification; in other words, the more outraged you are, the more angry you are, the more justified you must be is absolute nonsense."

While Ben Shapiro is an ultra religious, ultra conservative American Libertarian nutbar, whom I disagree with on any stance he seems to take, I must say that I find his debunking of the BLM narrative quite brilliant.
At the risk of really putting my foot in my mouth as a privileged white male I have to ask what group of people may be the most persecuted group on the planet? I would say Jews. And despite that and especially considering the horrors of WWII they seem to thrive. Their success seems to be unparalleled (at least with regards to things like Nobel prizes and such). Why? My belief is that it is the sense of community,family and education and how they work and stick together (little choice to do otherwise I guess). Rather than look to others as an excuse for their situation maybe the black community could work more closely together (there is no shortage of wealthy, famous and influential people within the black community...many sports and entertainment figures are black and admired by people of all races.). Over simplified I grant you but it would be a start.
While Ben Shapiro is an ultra religious, ultra conservative American Libertarian nutbar, whom I disagree with on any stance he seems to take, I must say that I find his debunking of the BLM narrative quite brilliant.

Hahaha... OK, that's awesome! "Mr. X is a POS who I hate... except for when he agrees with me, when he becomes 'quite brilliant.'"

Sorry, that just made me laugh.
Why are you trolling UT?
LOL @ trolling! What you can't handle the truth and it automatically means I'm trolling? I fight for the people not rich privileged white fascists!

Whomever is making blanket calls of fascist, racist, jail the whites, etc.

Here's a novel idea, no one gets the blame or the credit for anything done by others in their ethnicity, race, nationality, gender or any other group identifier. We only get the credit and the blame for what we ourselves do.

It's not that Black Lives Matter or not, but that Jeff's life matters, Armour's life matters, my life matters, and each other individual's life matters. Let's drop the group think.
Well it's only fair to jail rich white men that have arranged society in such a matter that makes black men kill each other! And then blame it on the black man! Great idea! It's not only unfair to blame it on the black man! It's RACIST! And I'm the fascist! LOL what a joke!

And no I didn't say jail ALL white men! Like I said the Open Society Foundations helps us and funds us! But I say jail the rich privilege whites that are organizing this system and opposing Black Lives Matter! what you really mean isn't that "black lives matter"....but that "black crimes don't matter", because black folks are just sorta like possessed zombies running around completely unaccountable for their behaviour.

You didn't listen to what I wrote! I'm looking at the root cause of crime! If rich white men make society in such a way that makes black people shoot each other then the rich white men should be blamed for it! Like I said, social assistance programs to unprivileged blacks needs to increase 4-5 fold in order for crime to stop! But the greedy rich white people don't want to cough up the dough!
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