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BLM was on the TV news today. See link. Time was a washroom break.

Black Lives Matter Toronto stop Yonge-Dundas traffic over Abdirahman Abdi case
Absolutely pathetic behaviour in Milwaukee last night, after police shot an armed thug pointing a stolen gun at the officers instead of dropping it. The blacks reacted by burning down their own neighbourhoods and attacking firefighters, journalists and white people. Some will defend this as the byproduct of injustice, unemployment and poor education, but this kind of violence does not solve anything.

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Looting a beauty store. Because "justice".

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Burning and looting their own neighborhoods. MLK would be ashamed.
Is the "poster" incorrect? Yes or no? Provide evidence for your answer. I look forward to it.

At this point we basically have to preface any further discussion with BlackLivesMatterJeff with: We are willing to have a conversation, but do you promise to stop accusing others of racism, hatred, bigotry, etc? The moment you use one of these terms, the discussion is over and you lose the argument.
The poster was obviously taken from a racist white website like Stormfront. Everybody knows that the Crusades were very oppressive to Muslims caused by white Christians! The same white Christians that invented slavery!

Jeff, thank you for this. It's the first post I've read of yours that's not shouting about fascists and racists, but instead provides an easily understood summary of your and BLM mission, POV and reasoning. And I can certainly see where the frustration comes from. Every time I watch a video of a traffic stop in the US of a black person by a white police officer where the police needlessly escalate to violence I am struck by a real sense of anger. I can't imagine what a black person feels watching the same.

If I can suggest a more productive modus operandi specific to UT; instead of using the forum as a soap box for name calling and demanding retribution and reparations, why not educate us on why the BLM mission is important in Canada, and more importantly what people can do to help. No one is denying there is real injustice, but every time I see BLM activities I am left exhausted and confused, with the intended message lost in the circus.
I've outlined some of BLM's and ARA's demands here. The goal is to stop the killing of innocent blacks like what happened in Milwaukee a few days ago but that's just the beginning. We fight also for other oppressed minorities like Muslims and some of are demands are:

- Stop portraying blacks and Muslims as thugs and terrorists in the media. France has already stopped publishing terrorists' names so I think it is Canada's moral obligation to do the same. Any media outlet that posts a picture or name of a so called Muslim "terrorist" should be banned for inciting hatred against Muslims. Same thing for blacks. I'm against censorship but the media has to know what they can and cannot publish since they have a responsibility.
- Ban all non-progressive candidates/parties from running. Nazis like Trump and Harper should therefore be excluded from the voting ballot including their fascist parties.
- Redistrubtion of land and wealth to give oppressed minorities a fairer playing ground.
- Stop jailing black people
- More oppressed minorities in police, universities, congress, the courts etc
- Government funding for the BLM movement. Yes I know the conservative Nazis will say "I ain't giving my tax dollars" but in countries like Sweden, Germany and Holland Antifa protesters is funded by the Green party, Social Democrats that are in parliament in order to make sure that the cities remain a Nazi free zone. The people there don't complain about their "tax money" because they know what's good for them.
I have no proof that you belong to any of these organizations, but the “good facts” you are promoting have been refuted to one level or another and your answers have usually been calling people racist or some other derogatory terms instead of providing proofs of your statements.

As for the propensity of violence and/or urban terrorism attributed to the groups you claim to be part of, as usual have not addressed those items. Instead you have used the tired idea that if you have done “good” then you are not accountable when you act in a deplorable manner. That said, sometimes the ends do justify the means, it’s a messy world. Absolutes are social constructs, and promoted by those who cling to power and control.

Rampant racisim? No, actually I don’t, well at least not in the threads I usually post and/or read in except for this one. The use of “white” and “black” as labels to separate people is quite racist, and the antithesis of equality.

Free speech is only free when everyone is entitled to it, not just the chosen few. Annoying? Yep, but no one ever said that democracy is unicorns and double rainbows.

As usual you have a flair for not answering questions or admitting when you’ve been outed for various things, like profiling, nationalism or authoritarianism.

I do have a question, what is your definition of “anarchy”?

I'm hoping you will address my statements and questions with something more that the standard propaganda you seem to not move beyond.
Educate yourself! Real democracy doesn't include racism or the right to give racists a voice!
1. No. I would advocate a basic income / negative income tax, and a hell of a lot less pre-judging.

2. Seriously, what do you and FCG have with the 'making up your own definitions of words' thing? What could be less disingenuous than calling you out on your racism to your face?

3. You have given insight into the whole 'All Lives Matter' crowd, though. They really do think they're being clever and insightful. I did believe they were being disingenuous, but they are just clueless. So, thank you.

4. Lastly, Armour, I will say I'm impressed at how you have really hit on every racist trope! Black on black crime, and then appropriating MLK, now 'one of my best friends...' with Ben Carson. A better way to show your admiration and solidarity with black people would be to show your admiration for a black person of stature who is a black activist or does something you don't particularly care for, but you can admire their spirit. Say... The kids from BLMTO.
ahahaha yeah this armour guy chose Ben Carson! The biggest sellout the black community ever knew. He's Republican? Republicans are racists!!!!!! Shows how much loyalty he has to his community! And Moynihan? loooool yet another racist! Good crowd this guy is hanging out with!

And yeah All Lives Matter are racists! They just want to distract from the fact that there is a slaughter happening everyday against black men! I don't understand why All Lives Matters hasn't been banned or jailed! Just shows the system is run by fascist racists!!!
And yeah All Lives Matter are racists! They just want to distract from the fact that there is a slaughter happening everyday against black men!

Funny how you ignore the 'young Black male on young Black male' slaughter. The Black community can't just look at things from one angle. There are problems on both sides of the fence!
ahahaha yeah this armour guy chose Ben Carson! The biggest sellout the black community ever knew. He's Republican? Republicans are racists!!!!!! Shows how much loyalty he has to his community! And Moynihan? loooool yet another racist! Good crowd this guy is hanging out with!

And yeah All Lives Matter are racists! They just want to distract from the fact that there is a slaughter happening everyday against black men! I don't understand why All Lives Matters hasn't been banned or jailed! Just shows the system is run by fascist racists!!!

Jeff, whoever you are, you're not helping. To say the least.
Yet more crap from our favourite racist!!! The Milwaukee police shot an innocent black man that wasn't doing anything wrong yet again and you expect BLM just to stand by!

Hmmm... your definition of “innocent” is definitely different from the dictionaries. Posting pics of yourself with illegal/banned weapons does make you look guilty of a crime, and then threatening to use an illegal weapon (w/500 rounds of dubious ammo) on cops... just sayin’. “White” and “black” has nothing to do with ignorance or braking the law.

Educate yourself! Real democracy doesn't include racism or the right to give racists a voice!

You have disappointed me. I was hoping you could actually answer some questions and dispel my assumptions but alas... it seems that you are just a troll for authoritarian/nationalist issues.

A library card is the first step to a much bigger reality, you should avail yourself of the opportunity.
Funny how you ignore the 'young Black male on young Black male' slaughter. The Black community can't just look at things from one angle. There are problems on both sides of the fence!
It's supposed to be a one issue movement, i.e. a campaign to stop police violence against black people. That doesn't mean they ignore or disregard black on black violence, but that's not their mission.
Easy to forget that we’ve had a number of destructive riots involving white hockey fans (yes, with burning cars, looting, etc.) in the last few years. I guess all this qualifies as good-natured fun, blowing off steam, blah, blah, blah…

2011: Furious fans run riot in Vancouver after the Canucks lose the Stanley Cup final to the Boston Bruins. Cars and garbage cans were set ablaze, beer bottles were thrown at outdoor viewing screens and broken glass littered the streets.

2010: Looters smashed windows and clashed with police on Montreal's Ste-Catherine St. after the Canadiens defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins in the final game of the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. At least 25 people were arrested.

2008: Cars were burned and downtown stores were trashed after the Canadiens beat the Boston Bruins to advance to the second round that season's playoffs.

2006: When the Edmonton Oilers clinched the Western Conference title and advanced to the Stanley Cup playoffs, fans began setting fires and looting along Whyte Ave. Police made about 15 arrests.

Of course, Toronto also had to endure the preventable damage from it's own reckless white underclass.

2010: Protests mainly consisted of peaceful demonstrations and rallies but also took form of a riot as a group of protesters using black bloc tactics caused vandalism to several businesses in Downtown Toronto. While there were no deaths, 97 officers and 39 arrestees were injured, and at least 40 shops were vandalised, constituting at least C$750,000 worth of damage.

The impending AMERICAN RACE WARS are a myth. I suggest some of you throw open the doors to the panic room.
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