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So I assume Cole-Haan has decided not to leave the the Bloor Strip as they are renovating their store, and are temporarily at Chanel's old space. Speaking of a Yorkville SCENE today, Cartier was robbed.
The Bookstore at 99 yorkville Avenue is always here ?
I love this place.. if someone have a picture.
I was going into Pusateri's yesterday morning and was surprised to see the diner across Bay St. closed. I believe it was called Eggstacy Diner and Grill. I tried to read the sign from across the street but could only pick up something about a sushi place opening soon.

Flo's seemed busy...
Walter Steiger, Dior are going on Bloor.

Dolce e Gabbana is looking for space within 1 Bloor. Apparently once Dior decided to bail from Holts, they had to follow suit. Don't you just love competition? Unrelated to Yorkville but inclusive of high end retail - Burberry is apparently in negotiations with the Eaton Centre for Yonge st. plus mall frontage, they eventually want their large flagship on Bloor, but for now due to lack of space they're only looking at the Eaton Centre or Shangri-La room.
You mean they're closing up?

Or moving from there current location?
Walter for one is already on Avenue road.
So they're opening up again on Bloor?
Sorry, I didn't quite get your comment.
Gregv how do you come about this information??
Gregv how do you come about this information??

The information regarding Anthropologie, Teatro Verde and Sunglass Hut is from an October '08 Financial Post article. As Gregv mentioned, the link was already posted a few pages back.
Great & thanks will check out FP article.
I would be interested to know where Dior and Walter steiger are planning on moving in. All I can think of is walter steiger moving in at Cartiers curent location, while Dior would have to replace some other retailer. Filip, do you know where they will be located?
I would be interested to know where Dior and Walter steiger are planning on moving in. All I can think of is walter steiger moving in at Cartiers curent location, while Dior would have to replace some other retailer. Filip, do you know where they will be located?

No idea as of yet.. We'll have to wait and see. I know both Steiger and Dior are going directly on Bloor. My guess Dior might take the Famous Players building while Steiger could take the old Irish Shop?
