And, renderings now available:









Terminus view for 17th Ave (looking east):
Not convinced by this so far, although it's pretty low resolution so maybe some nicer ones with better lighting might swing my vote. Closer than what I was hoping to the 2020 version of what I was fearing - a modern update to that classic 2000s-era Calgary institutional vibe you seen in most our rec centres and a bunch of towers - triangles, corners with weird angles, edges that don't do anything, and an overall very heavy-feeling. Not particularly integrated looking (another thing that might improve when more images become available).

Like if the Max Bell Centre and Rocky Ridge YMCA had a baby, with a bit of a Rogers Arena in Edmonton thrown in.


Wow...I'm not blown away but I'm definitely not disappointed either. I think with the materials in person this could be a real winner. Would like a little more glass on the top to lighten it up a bit. It does feel heavy but it does fit the Stampede well. A little gritty and industrial looking but in a modern form. Would still like more glass. i find this design more sleek than the original concept that was very big, boxy and even heavier looking, but I did like that it had more glass.

I'm not sure what element you are referring to that is being wiped out darwink? That is in all the renderings as the view in that picture is looking through that overhang tunnel to the main building.

The cool thing is I think that swooping overhang is an LED board on the underside....or am I wrong?
That's not an open space but rather large can see them further right in the bottom picture. They just did a bad job of distinguishing them as windows. You can see that the copper part curves into the "space" which are large windows. It shows the windows better in the zoomed out picture...they are more to the right. I think it's just a weird perspective that makes the windows in the tunnel picture appear as open space and closer to the end of the building.
