Does anyone know if the Stampede is still planning to open up an entrance to 17th ave? The Stampede has a chance to create some sort of corridor tying the BMO centre to 17th ave. Redevelop those 3 or 4 blocks on the east end of 17th ave, and you have a great place for tourists to wander in the evenings after a day of the conference.
Yes. CMLC has been working on redesigning how 17th Ave interfaces with Stampede grounds. It will enter at grade and allow pedestrians and vehicles access.This will connect to Olympic Way.
Man, that is awesome. The entrance alone will do wonders for the east end of 17th ave, and it will also be good for the Stampede grounds. If they can tie it into a developed Olympic Way corridor it would be a game changer.
This is really good news. Looks good, but I bet it's more of a concept rendering rather than something designed. Hopefully they are going with that type of modern look.
This is really good news. Looks good, but I bet it's more of a concept rendering rather than something designed. Hopefully they are going with that type of modern look.

Nope - they've been doing detailed design work on this. So it's beyond the conceptual stage.

This story shows some conceptual ideas of how the two streets would connect.

As I said though - I've seen design drawings as well.
Which block is the new expansion going to be situated on?

Edit: Nevermind, looks like it's going to be where the Coral is located currently
I like the whole idea of what they are trying to do. My one change would be to try and have 17th ave extended into the grounds and come through the centre of the BMO centre, and then angle right in toward a future arena. Might not be possible, but it would be a more organic passage, and also come right into the corner of a new arena. Could be pretty cool.


Nope - they've been doing detailed design work on this. So it's beyond the conceptual stage.

This story shows some conceptual ideas of how the two streets would connect.

As I said though - I've seen design drawings as well.
I actually like the way they're planning it. It encourages people to walk through and experience the services that will presumably exist by then, instead of just a straight shot out.
I actually like the way they're planning it. It encourages people to walk through and experience the services that will presumably exist by then, instead of just a straight shot out.
Will for sure be much better when the park fills up a bit. My worry is that the ped way goes along side a fair bit of empty parking lot that might never go away.
crazy idea, move the stampede grounds to the new green line station between ogden rd and the railyards.
Too bad they can't re-purpose the Saddledome for something.

It's a unique design and an architectural icon of Calgary.
It'd be ridiculous if they got rid of both the stampede and the corral and I honestly don't know why Calgary city planners have a hard-on for tearing down historic buildings such as those only to replace them with Generic Contemporary Architecture Design Nº 967 342. I get that the corral has no architectural value to it but just the fact that is has paintings representing the stampede and at least some aspect of Calgary culture and history already makes it a cut above the uninspired glass and wood design that seems to be popping up with increasing intensity all over the place. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy if they added the new BMO conference center somewhere on the Stampede grounds but please to God if you're gonna tear down the Corral at least replace it with something that has anything to do with the city, it's history and its culture.
And don't even get me started on the Saddledome. It is the second most iconic, recognizable piece of architecture this city has, only behind the Calgary tower. The Saddledome is to Calgary, what the Skydome is to Toronto and what the Sydney Opera House is to Sydney. And replacing that with a parking lot is the highest level of blasphemy. And knowing how large projects in modern architecture are, while something replacing the Saddledome better be REAALLY FUCKING GOOOD, the reality will be that it will just be Generic Contemporary Architecture Design Nº 967 343.
