id like to know who thought a district that runs from 17th ave to anderson road (?) was a good idea. i live downtown and i feel like ed stelmach is representing me.

It runs deep into the Beltline. Farkas represents me too.
It runs deep into the Beltline. Farkas represents me too.
I've always wondered where they came up with the ward boundaries, as they are very strange. My guess is that they were mostly SFH's in all the wards back when they made them up so it didn't matter as much how they were divided..
The only reason he won is because three candidates on the left split the vote. Hopefully voters will throw him out next time. I know a lot of people in his ward really despise him. Though he will have the iron advantage of incumbency next time around.
Sadly being an incumbent council in Calgary all but guarantees a win. Look no further than Sean Chu.
The only reason he won is because three candidates on the left split the vote. Hopefully voters will throw him out next time. I know a lot of people in his ward really despise him. Though he will have the iron advantage of incumbency next time around.
You guys dump on Chu, but he actually defeated an incumbent when he was elected. I think him and Woolley are the only ones to do so in the last 20 years or so, but I stand to be corrected.
Didn’t Chu first run when there was a ward boundary change? I believe he defeated and incumbent, but it was also the time when they were changing the ward boundaries.

You guys dump on Chu, but he actually defeated an incumbent when he was elected. I think him and Woolley are the only ones to do so in the last 20 years or so, but I stand to be corrected.
does anyone know when the 17th ave extension east of macleod is scheduled to begin? also with all the changes will the big four be demolished?
does anyone know when the 17th ave extension east of macleod is scheduled to begin? also with all the changes will the big four be demolished?

No idea about the Big four but the 17th ave extension is scheduled to begin in early 2020 according to a CRBE report that was talking about the changes to the Victoria Park area.

exciting, though these days it feels like ill believe it when i see it when it comes to anything involving government funding.
No significant boundary change in 2013, but a few minor tweaks to Wards 5 and 1:
There were a couple of reasons for Chu getting elected. 1) The previous councilor Gale Mcleod was non-existent. She wasn't in touch with her ward at all. 2) Chu's ward has a large Chinese population (myself included) and every Chinese person I know from the area was voting for him. He got 13,000 votes, and there are probably that many Chinese people in his ward.

I didn't vote for Chu last election, but find him to be more reasonable than Farkas. Farkas is a clown, plain and simple.
No idea about the Big four but the 17th ave extension is scheduled to begin in early 2020 according to a CRBE report that was talking about the changes to the Victoria Park area.

That would be amazing.
There were a couple of reasons for Chu getting elected. 1) The previous councilor Gale Mcleod was non-existent. She wasn't in touch with her ward at all. 2) Chu's ward has a large Chinese population (myself included) and every Chinese person I know from the area was voting for him. He got 13,000 votes, and there are probably that many Chinese people in his ward.

I didn't vote for Chu last election, but find him to be more reasonable than Farkas. Farkas is a clown, plain and simple.
Funny story but in Cantonese, the last name "Chu" sounds like pig and Sean sounds like "crazy". Therefore, Sean Chu is commonly referred to as "Crazy Pig" in the Calgary Chinese community.
Won’t 17th extension require modifying Victoria Park Station?
I think so. Definitely the pedestrian ramp. When you look on Google Maps air photo, you see it is not a straight forward job.
