Not sure if technically possible to have it curved and integrated, but would've been cool if those panels were solar as well.
Calm before the storm

If the last photo is more indicative of what it looks like in person (more brighter copper looking) than that is much better. The top photos make it look so dull and dark.
Does anyone know what the deal is with the weird black outlines on Duck Lightning's photos? It almost looks like this part of the facade was plugged in separately from other portions. I could understand maybe if it was for windows but most of these sections are paneling and not windows? My OCD is extremely bothered by it and I can't figure out why they couldn't make those parts look uniform to the rest of the building.

^ You can see it on other windows as well. It is where the wall switches from wall to window that looks like wall it seems like. Thermal break, drain channel, and a somewhat easier distant future to swap to a full window if demands change.

It's the windows for sure. The window frame is rectangular, but to get the look they wanted, they had to use some of the cladding panels as spandrel in the frame. Creating a window opening that matches that pattern would be quite challenging.
