

View attachment 487247
Is... Is that corrugated metal? They can't be serious right now. That's not the roof right?
The Coral sign is a cool idea, glad its legacy will live on. Seeing the finished product on the exterior mostly complete; I don't like the random much darker panels but that's nit picking, and it really is too bad about the 17th Ave extension being such a let down.

How the 17th Ave extension is even a project I don't know, it's a large concrete slab with five trees and a bike lane to nowhere (I know there's Enmax Park, but there's no bike lane on Macleod or 17th, so where does it go? Maybe up to 12th Ave along the train station but then it's on the wrong side of 17th).

All-in-all this is better than it was before but from the outside (where most will interact with the building), only marginally.

Were there more images of 17th than the one tweet with 3 pics?

14th/15th ave have bike lanes (IIRC its getting consolidated to one of them?) - because of the street orientation, it's only about a half block to 15th from 17th (16th does not even exist east of 7th St SW).

Not requiring an ascent of the piss ramp and subsequent descent on the other side is more than a marginal improvement.
Re: 17th ave extension. As it is today in the photo below it looks barren, but there's a fair bit to be done yet before it’s completed,. I'm reserving my judgment until the landscaping portion is done.
Trees lined on both sides of the road and planters along the centre strip would make a huge difference. The extension might not be perfect but it’ll be 1000 times better than it used to be.

unnamed (3).png
There are tree grates along the southern portion on the SW section of the 17th Ave extension (beside Wedickville.) The portion that sits adjacent to the Stampede parking (shown above in Surreal Places photo) doesn't but there's a good chance there will be planter boxes placed along the concrete median there.
I hope this facility is not a white elephant - but the building kinda looks like an elephant. Maybe an elephant for the grey “legs” portion and a wooly mammoth for the upper copper-brown portion & trunk (you kind of have to squint) 😄.
In reality - I really like how the building is turning out 👍🏼.
It is going ahead, and no, it is not tied to the Event Centre. 220 rooms. Not nearly enough for the area though.

I just read CMLC's article on the new hotel. It will be a Minimum of 220 rooms (likely more) and will be 4-5 stars. The developer will be Matthews Southwest Hospitality and the architect is Nunzio Marc DeSantis Architects. It will also have a direct indoor connection to the convention centre.

Here are some other Hotels done by Matthews Southwest:


Their track record definitely looks impressive. I wonder if the housing market continues to improve, if there will be more condo/hotel developments. It'll help keep the area busy during non-event season but having the capacity to actually hold world class events.
I wonder if the housing market continues to improve, if there will be more condo/hotel developments.
IMO how much more can it improve. The demand is there, coworkers are paying $1500 to rent a condo in Sage Hill. I paid that to rent a house in Marda Loop 2019-2021. I assume interest rates are playing a role in developers ability/desire to get financing but I'm not in that world at all.
IMO how much more can it improve. The demand is there, coworkers are paying $1500 to rent a condo in Sage Hill. I paid that to rent a house in Marda Loop 2019-2021. I assume interest rates are playing a role in developers ability/desire to get financing but I'm not in that world at all.
I do wonder this too - I would have thought we'd see more projects coming online as the market drastically tightened up and rents as well as sales prices per sqft jumped substantially.

Perhaps costs and financing risk have jumped in similar proportion, so the effect is a similar scale of development as when the housing market was "less hot", but just now at elevated prices. All this change in the market conditions happened very quickly so I'd assume there's more uncertainty out there than say, during 2006 or 2012-era housing boom conditions. Just anecdotal observations though, the reality might be different than my assumptions.
I'm not an expert in real estate development, but I will pass along information that I was told this weekend by someone in that field. I was told that the interest rate plays a far higher role than the vacancy rate, when looking to develop these projects, and that's why many of them aren't moving as expected. I was also told it's not the case for all projects, but is for many.
Whatever the case, I hope we see some of these proposals break ground. There are less and less housing options out there as the housing starts aren't keeping up with population growth.
