What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
I've already decided I like it, even before the cladding is finished and the tarp is off. I like the fact that it's different, and will be different from other buildings around it. It'll add to the character to Marda Loop.

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I'm mostly nervous about it because of the lack of windows mixed with thee steel... might look sorta megalithic in context.

Has it been confirmed that the panels will be backlit?
I have a feeling this is going to be very polarizing. I have a ton of respect for RNDSQR's risk appetite when it comes to design, but this might end up being an eyesore. It's starting to remind me of the new Edmonton Central Library.
The detailing will make or break it as a "win." The wood soffiting on street level, trees, mullions, and lighting will help a lot.

Either way, I welcome something significantly different than what we normally see.

Plus with Lyfe in the background, anything will look amazing against it.
I’m still trying to hold judgement until this project is complete. I think the corrugated material they selected is cool, but it may have been better suited as an accent. I know buildings don’t always come out looking like their renders, but this is starting to feel like a bait and switch. It feels kind of like Platform, although I’m still holding out hope that project turns around, and they actually source an exterior material that is close to the original vision.
