What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
AND? So what? RNDSQR is not motivated by the best interests of the community, period. Thanks to all the Trolls who've become so "motivated" to participate in this discussion at the drop of a hat though....
If you have a gripe with the developer, keep it between you and the developer, bringing your uninformed arguments on here are just going to get you roasted.

So aside from the engagement process which you bitched about and were proven wrong on, and the height (which is a fair comment and will likely require this to go to council) what is your big gripe with this? You use the tired old Nimby arguments and call us trolls, but you haven't really made a case for why this project shouldn't happen. is it the design? are you pining for the days when nothing bu single family homes were built in the area? why be so angry about this?
You decide to post your grievances on a public forum, and now you're angry that people are participating it the discussion?

Someone who has been a member of the forum for less than 24 hours is not in a position to throw around the "troll" label, particularly at people who have been members for years.

Thank you for illustrating how a Long Term Member easily becomes a Troll. You try to delegitimize my concerns by calling me a NIMBY and act shocked and sanctimonious when I turn the tables? Wow 1,200 messages! How could you be invested in that many topics? Hmmmm....

I guess there's an initiation period during which New Members aren't allowed to act as asinine as Long Term Members? I'd encourage you to get the moderators to let everyone know when they sign up.

Thank you also for illustrating the legitimacy of this Forum in engaging people in "conversations" by calling them names to try and Bully them into not expressing the communities' concerns. I'll be sure to include this in my package to the City in case RNDSQR is using this as a means of illustrating the way they engage the community.
AND? So what? RNDSQR is not motivated by the best interests of the community, period. Thanks to all the Trolls who've become so "motivated" to participate in this discussion at the drop of a hat though....
Hey man, why the drive by on me? I was simply clarifying the legal framework around development in Calgary, correcting Science & Motion's statement that the ARP is just a "guideline". I haven't really expressed an opinion on this project (that I recall, I will have to re-read some of my older posts), and in fact highlighted the height infraction of the ARP earlier in this thread.

This thread (and forum in general) is a great place to have meaningful discussions about development in Calgary, but let's all keep the emotion and attack on others in check. We'd all love to hear a great discussion with local insights, both pros and cons, provided they are well reasoned, and don't resort to names of trolls or greedy developers.

Now, if you wouldn't mind astraya, can you provide some insight into my initial question about the underground stream? Would a 4 storey building, with a 2 storey underground parkade (which would meat ARP requirements) be able to be built here without causing issues in your mind? Or, does the ARP need to be revamped to allow only slab on grade (or single storey basement) development?

This is one challenge of the Marda Loop ARP (and several others in the City). They get developed and passed without much supporting technical analysis. I remember this was a criticism of this ARP when it first went to CPC, with some members asking about the sewer capacity in the area, and if the pipes could handle the proposed intensity. Same question can be raised with the transportation infrastructure, but I believe after the ML33 project and approval, Councillor Wooley asked for a comprehensive transportation study be done on the area. Not sure the status of that report, but it will hopefully provide clarity to everyone (residents, developers and others) about what to expect as Marda Loop builds out.
This thread (and forum in general) is a great place to have meaningful discussions about development in Calgary, but let's all keep the emotion and attack on others in check. We'd all love to hear a great discussion with local insights, both pros and cons, provided they are well reasoned, and don't resort to names of trolls or greedy developers.
Good point, lets leave the adversarial discussion to SSP.
Hey man, why the drive by on me? I was simply clarifying the legal framework around development in Calgary, correcting Science & Motion's statement that the ARP is just a "guideline". I haven't really expressed an opinion on this project (that I recall, I will have to re-read some of my older posts), and in fact highlighted the height infraction of the ARP earlier in this thread.

This thread (and forum in general) is a great place to have meaningful discussions about development in Calgary, but let's all keep the emotion and attack on others in check. We'd all love to hear a great discussion with local insights, both pros and cons, provided they are well reasoned, and don't resort to names of trolls or greedy developers.

Now, if you wouldn't mind astraya, can you provide some insight into my initial question about the underground stream? Would a 4 storey building, with a 2 storey underground parkade (which would meat ARP requirements) be able to be built here without causing issues in your mind? Or, does the ARP need to be revamped to allow only slab on grade (or single storey basement) development?

This is one challenge of the Marda Loop ARP (and several others in the City). They get developed and passed without much supporting technical analysis. I remember this was a criticism of this ARP when it first went to CPC, with some members asking about the sewer capacity in the area, and if the pipes could handle the proposed intensity. Same question can be raised with the transportation infrastructure, but I believe after the ML33 project and approval, Councillor Wooley asked for a comprehensive transportation study be done on the area. Not sure the status of that report, but it will hopefully provide clarity to everyone (residents, developers and others) about what to expect as Marda Loop builds out.

That would be RNDSQR's responsibility to figure out how their development affects the community. I would expect an in-depth study of the Geology which apparently they have? Who knows really.
Too late for you.
It's never too late to be a nice person, I suggest you try it, your posts are quite antagonistic (hence the antagonistic responses). I'll moderate my posts from now on, it's good to engage in a discussion with people on both sides of the issue, helps one gain perspective. This forum is a good place to discuss issues like this, so lets see if we can have a good discussion instead of just growing entrenched in our point of view and achieving a whole lot of nothing.

That would be RNDSQR's responsibility to figure out how their development affects the community. I would expect an in-depth study of the Geology which apparently they have? Who knows really.
They have to, geotechnical reports are required by the city, you can't get permits without them. They lay out what is required for the foundation type, de-watering, concrete type and all sorts of other things.
It's never too late to be a nice person, I suggest you try it, your posts are quite antagonistic (hence the antagonistic responses). I'll moderate my posts from now on, it's good to engage in a discussion with people on both sides of the issue, helps one gain perspective. This forum is a good place to discuss issues like this, so lets see if we can have a good discussion instead of just growing entrenched in our point of view and achieving a whole lot of nothing.

They have to, geotechnical reports are required by the city, you can't get permits without them. They lay out what is required for the foundation type, de-watering, concrete type and all sorts of other things.

Your self-awareness is underwhelming.

I look forward to seeing a GeoTech study that clearly shows they've looked into the underground stream and their plans to make sure no neighbouring properties are affected. They knew about it in September so there should be no excuses.
If this development was one storey with an underground parkade would you be here griping about a theoretical underground stream?

AND? So what? RNDSQR is not motivated by the best interests of the community, period. Thanks to all the Trolls who've become so "motivated" to participate in this discussion at the drop of a hat though....
Your self-awareness is underwhelming.
So do you want to actually have a discussion on this, or just bitch and argue with people? If you just want to bitch, you will likely be removed for trolling. If you want to engage in a discussion you may actually get somewhere.

I look forward to seeing a GeoTech study that clearly shows they've looked into the underground stream and their plans to make sure no neighbouring properties are affected. They knew about it in September so there should be no excuses.
Not 100% sure you will have access to the report, though the developer should provide it in good faith. I also can't see how it would affect neighbouring properties more than it already does, water will find the path of least resistance, and that likely wouldn't be through another building unless there was a major hole in it.

Thank you all for continuing to show that their is no meaningful discussion to be had here.
I think that was a fair question to be honest. People are trying to understand your aversion to this project. So far you have said it's too tall (fair enough, the ARP agrees with you, though it will likely get a relaxation as I'm sure the Treo project a few blocks away got), and you are concerned about the ground water.
Words like bitching, griping, NIMBY, uniformed among many others do not engender a meaningful conversation. I'm asking reasonable questions and it is the participants thus far, except maybe MichaelS who've been acting like Developers (and why they're speaking on behalf of the Developers is questionable) can bully stakeholders and just do whatever they please.

Yes I'm concerned but I'm definitely not going to be intimidated by Mountain Man who definitely has none of the qualities I'd associate with any Mountain Man I've ever met.
Words like bitching, griping, NIMBY, uniformed among many others do not engender a meaningful conversation. I'm asking reasonable questions and it is the participants thus far, except maybe MichaelS who've been acting like Developers (and why they're speaking on behalf of the Developers is questionable) can bully stakeholders and just do whatever they please.
Jesus man, we aren't acting as developers, and we have no stake in this, we just like the project and support it. Words like you said aren't conducive to good discussion, that's a fair point, but you are also guilty of the same by responding with words like troll. If you want to have a discussion you have to be willing to engage in the discussion instead of playing the victim because we disagree with you.

Yes I'm concerned but I'm definitely not going to be intimidated by Mountain Man who definitely has none of the qualities I'd associate with any Mountain Man I've ever met.
You think I'm trying to intimidate you? for real? I work in this industry and am just providing clarification on your concerns. If you find that intimidating, I suggest you reassess your presence on the internet as this is about as civil as it gets.
Jesus man, we aren't acting as developers, and we have no stake in this, we just like the project and support it. Words like you said aren't conducive to good discussion, that's a fair point, but you are also guilty of the same by responding with words like troll. If you want to have a discussion you have to be willing to engage in the discussion instead of playing the victim because we disagree with you.

You think I'm trying to intimidate you? for real? I work in this industry and am just providing clarification on your concerns. If you find that intimidating, I suggest you reassess your presence on the internet as this is about as civil as it gets.

Give up the Ghost, dude. It's all here in black and white. I think you should read from the beginning to see who's "antagonistic" to whom.
