What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
Thank you all for continuing to show that their is no meaningful discussion to be had here.
In all fairness Astraya, the discussion seemed fine until you called people 'trolls' for saying the water problem could be dealt with. Most of the people on this forum tend to be pro-development, it's inherently built into forums like this, but members aren't always that way. The discussion seemed to be around whether the water problem could be fixed.
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In all fairness Astraya, the discussion seemed fine until you called people 'trolls' for saying the water problem could be dealt with. Most of the people on this forum tend to be pro-development, it's inherently built into forums like this, but members aren't always that way.

Yes that's become abundantly clear. However, I would expect if Pro-Development people are on the forum they would understand that calling someone a NIMBY (by 2 different people) to delegitimize what they are saying is offensive. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I wouldn't have called them Trolls. You seem to not understand that. Now that the truth is out this Forum should not be in any way construed to be a constructive forum for discussion of disparate points of view for stakeholders.
Give up the Ghost, dude. It's all here in black and white. I think you should read from the beginning to see who's "antagonistic" to whom.

No one has been antagonistic towards you.

Calling people trolls on your 3rd post isn’t going to earn you any respect. Especially when the developer has already been in this thread clarifying the engagements they have executed already which I’d be certain you read prior to posting.

You could have privately messaged the developer or their representative asking for a personal response in regards to the geotechnical work. Instead you walk into a crowd shouting cloud and then get angry that people respond or comment to your post?

The developer has every right to pursue the maximum density on the site they can achieve. That doesn’t mean they have an easy route to Council approving 6 storeys when the ARP calls for 4.

Again, from the developer’s perspective, an underground stream is not going to deem a development here impossible in any way. They are sure to resolve the issue and all necessary concerns in due time. All DP & BP applications are available to the public so once they applied for their shoring permit you could review their geotechnical reports if they hadn’t yet provided them to the community. However, I believe they are a ways out from that stage.
No one has been antagonistic towards you.

Calling people trolls on your 3rd post isn’t going to earn you any respect. Especially when the developer has already been in this thread clarifying the engagements they have executed already which I’d be certain you read prior to posting.

You could have privately messaged the developer or their representative asking for a personal response in regards to the geotechnical work. Instead you walk into a crowd shouting cloud and then get angry that people respond or comment to your post?

The developer has every right to pursue the maximum density on the site they can achieve. That doesn’t mean they have an easy route to Council approving 6 storeys when the ARP calls for 4.

Again, from the developer’s perspective, an underground stream is not going to deem a development here impossible in any way. They are sure to resolve the issue and all necessary concerns in due time. All DP & BP applications are available to the public so once they applied for their shoring permit you could review their geotechnical reports if they hadn’t yet provided them to the community. However, I believe they are a ways out from that stage.

Telling people they're "griping" and calling people "NIMBY" is offensive, seriously. You have lost all credibility. Get real!
Yes that's become abundantly clear. However, I would expect if Pro-Development people are on the forum they would understand that calling someone a NIMBY (by 2 different people) to delegitimize what they are saying is offensive. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I wouldn't have called them Trolls. You seem to not understand that. Now that the truth is out this Forum should not be in any way construed to be a constructive forum for discussion of disparate points of view for stakeholders.
Okay let's take the two NIMBY comments and the two troll comments and let them cancel each other out and start over.

My own opinion is that the water issue is really an engineering issue and should be able to be dealt with, as it does come up in developments all the time.

The ARP getting changed from 4 to 6 floors is a legitimate concern for the community, but also a complicated issue. I mean, yeah, it seems pointless that the city would lay out an ARP and then later change it...when I first saw your post with the ARP, I was going to remark sarcastically that here in Calgary ARP's are meant to be broken lol.

I'm just curious Astraya, what the major concerns are? I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just asking. Is it the height?
Okay let's take the two NIMBY comments and the two troll comments and let them cancel each other out and start over.

My own opinion is that the water issue is really an engineering issue and should be able to be dealt with, as it does come up in developments all the time.

The ARP getting changed from 4 to 6 floors is a legitimate concern for the community, but also a complicated issue. I mean, yeah, it seems pointless that the city would lay out an ARP and then later change it...when I first saw your post with the ARP, I was going to remark sarcastically that here in Calgary ARP's are meant to be broken lol.

I'm just curious Astraya, what the major concerns are? I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just asking. Is it the height?

I could not have orchestrated a less inviting venue to express more concerns. It's downright offensive and no one seems to recognize how they are behaving offensive. If this represents how Pro-Development people act, it really explains a lot. Wow!
Griping and NIMBY are extremely offensive terms to be sure, among the worst I've seen on the internet. You should probably keep posting how unfair this has all been.
I could not have orchestrated a less inviting venue to express more concerns. It's downright offensive and no one seems to recognize how they are behaving offensive. If this represents how Pro-Development people act, it really explains a lot. Wow!
Aside from the discussion of behavior on the forum, is height the concern that you have with the development?
It might seem silly to have an ARP only to make changes, but really the ARP should be more of a guideline with some flexibility to change it on a case by case basis. If the ARP calls for 4 to 6 stories then I don’t think it’s unreasonable for somebody to ask for 6 to 8 for example.

Okay let's take the two NIMBY comments and the two troll comments and let them cancel each other out and start over.

My own opinion is that the water issue is really an engineering issue and should be able to be dealt with, as it does come up in developments all the time.

The ARP getting changed from 4 to 6 floors is a legitimate concern for the community, but also a complicated issue. I mean, yeah, it seems pointless that the city would lay out an ARP and then later change it...when I first saw your post with the ARP, I was going to remark sarcastically that here in Calgary ARP's are meant to be broken lol.

I'm just curious Astraya, what the major concerns are? I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just asking. Is it the height?
Griping and NIMBY are extremely offensive terms to be sure, among the worst I've seen on the internet. You should probably keep posting how unfair this has all been.

Let it be noted that "Mountain Man" participates in far more offensive Forums than this. Something to be proud of for sure.
Words like bitching, griping, NIMBY, uniformed among many others do not engender a meaningful conversation. I'm asking reasonable questions and it is the participants thus far, except maybe MichaelS who've been acting like Developers (and why they're speaking on behalf of the Developers is questionable) can bully stakeholders and just do whatever they please.

Yes I'm concerned but I'm definitely not going to be intimidated by Mountain Man who definitely has none of the qualities I'd associate with any Mountain Man I've ever met.

You are not, though. You are approaching everything adversarially, even to the point of making personal insults against fellow forumers. I just read the entire conversation of today on this thread, and literally every single response you have posted has been antagonistic and some even aggressive. I kindly and earnestly suggest that you do some introspection in an attempt to promote self growth; admit you're wrong, and move on so that we may all (you included of course) have an actual discussion about this. If you can not even admit you've been adversarial in every response you've made here, then there is no point in anyone continuing to respond to you, as that is the definition of an internet troll.

Most of us here lived through the bad days of SSP, and we won't allow that nonsense to infect this great forum. Please try and see reason, or I and I'm sure others will unfortunately be forced to request that you be removed. Not because of your differing opinion of course, but because of your constant aggression and belittling of others opinions and information.

Thank you.
You are not, though. You are approaching everything adversarially, even to the point of making personal insults against fellow forumers. I just read the entire conversation of today on this thread, and literally every single response you have posted has been antagonistic and some even aggressive. I kindly and earnestly suggest that you do some introspection in an attempt to promote self growth; admit you're wrong, and move on so that we may all (you included of course) have an actual discussion about this. If you can not even admit you've been adversarial in every response you've made here, then there is no point in anyone continuing to respond to you, as that is the definition of an internet troll.

Most of us here lived through the bad days of SSP, and we won't allow that nonsense to infect this great forum. Please try and see reason, or I and I'm sure others will unfortunately be forced to request that you be removed. Not because of your differing opinion of course, but because of your constant aggression and belittling of others opinions and information.

Thank you.

I will submit as I have continuously that your biases apply in favour of your Long Term Forum Members who have been established and have admitted to be Pro-Development. You absolutely and positively don't encourage any views that vary from your Pro-Development stance. It really doesn't matter to me that you can't see how your members have been adversarial. I have absolutely not belittled anyone's information or opinions. I have only been defensive. If you're able to be objective, I suggest you read over again in the frame of mind of someone who is a stakeholder in this project and not just mouthing off.
Let it be noted that "Mountain Man" participates in far more offensive Forums than this. Something to be proud of for sure.
Yes, let that be know! Quite an important little tidbit there for sure.

So are you going to add something or just keep playing the victim and whining about it? If you have nothing to add perhaps you should stay off the internet so your delicate sensibilities aren't so massively offended.
