I took a tour of three of their suite last week. Absolutely stunning. There ARE operable windows throughout; to have otherwise would be illegal. They are moreover generously sized. I don't know if my needs will coincide with their own desires for move-ins (I'm stuck in another lease until next Feb 29), but if there are any units available next winter, I'm in. I loved this building.

There will be a rooftop deck for those who need outdoor access.
Same here. I was in there yesterday. Generous square footage with good floor plans. Nice finishes. 9 ft ceilings. Big windows to compensate for no balconies.
When 11th & 11th is complete, there will be 800+ rental units in that block (includes Metropolitan). Just two blocks north, there will be another 500+ with West Village (Cidex).
I took a tour of three of their suite last week. Absolutely stunning. There ARE operable windows throughout; to have otherwise would be illegal. They are moreover generously sized. I don't know if my needs will coincide with their own desires for move-ins (I'm stuck in another lease until next Feb 29), but if there are any units available next winter, I'm in. I loved this building.

There will be a rooftop deck for those who need outdoor access.
I was curious after reading your post, and I checked it out too. I agree with your assessment, much better than one would expect when looking at the building.
I actually really like this one. Very cute, clear glass, a good attempt at matching spandrel to glass colour, and a not so over the top choice of colour addition.
I can't believe it. I like the glass too. Now I wish they would keep it simple and just paint the brick white to match the mullion caps.

The venting is genius
I'm not a fan of the colored cubes, but the rest looks good.
Well what can you do, it's west end of downtown/the beltline. I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible for a stylish building to be built on that side of downtown. The population boost will be appreciated though.
The coloured cubes elevate and modernize the design from institutional 1960s office block whether you like them or not. Institutional 1960s is still better than the original 1970s browns and curtainwall
Count me in as pleasant surprised too. It is turning out much better than it looked in the rendering.

Also count me in as a fan of Strategic. They've rescued a couple of construction pits and one so far has turned out to be a nice addition to Mission. Marda looks very solid, Cube so far looks very solid. The Barron building being revived. They've done some good stuff.
As far as "random coloured squares/rectangles" go as a design feature - I hate it. But this one doesn't strike me the same way for some reason, I actually like it ?
Count me in as pleasant surprised too. It is turning out much better than it looked in the rendering.

Also count me in as a fan of Strategic. They've rescued a couple of construction pits and one so far has turned out to be a nice addition to Mission. Marda looks very solid, Cube so far looks very solid. The Barron building being revived. They've done some good stuff.
Agreed. I often forget about Strategic; probably because they seem more functionally driven than some of our more talked-about developers who are flashier (for better or worse reasons). They just seem to built competent projects of late, in the right areas with designs and styles that make sense, even if they aren't particularly flashy. We could always use more of that.
