Rating of the development

  • 1 Really Good

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • 2 Not Bad

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • 3 So So

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • 4 Not Good

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • 5 Terrible

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
If Harvard’s development timing is still a decade or more out, hopefully they/the City can find a TLU for the site. With the City having invested so much money in this area, it would be unfortunate for the site to sit vacant for years to come.

Finding ways to remove barriers and incentivize TLUs should be part of the downtown revitalization (if it isn’t already).

I spent a couple days in Phoenix (to see a Raptors game), and man was downtown Phoenix depressing. Blocks of vacant lots and/or surface parking lots, with ample parking structures, one way car sewers, and a single sad transit line.

It was hard not to see a little bit of downtown Calgary in downtown Phoenix. Calgary is of course, not Phoenix, but if we are going to attract more people into downtown (both to live and visit), we need to address the blight of vacant/surface parking lots in our downtown.

The City could take the lead by finding temporary uses for some of its downtown surface lots (which continue to be redundant); permanently develop them; or convert them to park space. The park space doesn’t even have to be a big investment, it could be a low cost, low maintenance use like an urban forest.
What would you people think if the city bought the north half of Harvard's Eau Claire property adjacent to the Green Line station and built an aquatic centre and library there to replace the beltline and Inglewood aquatic centres?
I would be furious as the city just threw away an aquatic centre a half block away that could have been acquired for 1/20th of the cost of building a new one.
The plaza is almost complete.
I meant this one:

I always loved that concept. Maybe not 5’towers all the same, but if they built two of them it would have been cool. Plus that plaza destroys whatever the hell it is they are building right now.
