I'm just hoping that the facade doesn't turn an ugly brown in ten years! Have they started work on the corner entrance or will that be VE'd out?
It's public/donor funded, that usually doesn't happen because the funds are allocated at the beginning.

Private investment is more so where you see VE'ing, gotta maximize those margins.
It's public/donor funded, that usually doesn't happen because the funds are allocated at the beginning.

Private investment is more so where you see VE'ing, gotta maximize those margins.
Yeah i would be very suprised if they VE'd out the corner, one of the big selling points of this whole reno is opening up the building to Stephen ave, that corner is very important for that aspect
The corner isn't being value engineered out y'all. They are over halfway through demolition of all floors of that corner section, so it can be rebuilt in the new open configuration. Can be seen on the last page if you look closely.
Corner almost down…

I’m confused with that corner. In the rendering the corner is filled in to make a perfect box (90 degree corner). Here it looks like they cut it all away. Are they making this a 9 storey atrium, filling and extending the floors back in, or deviating from the original design?
The concrete in that corner that they are removing is an old emergency staircase. I'm not sure what the plans are for the upper floors but in order to achieve the street level interaction shown in the renderings they had to remove the entire stair case first. So there will still be the box shown with the 90⁰ corner. It will be interesting to watch how they fill the corner back in once the demo is complete. My guess will be some sort of steel structure?
NE corner demoed, now they’ve gotta jackhammer out the floor between the next series of columns I believe.

