Another bike/ped bridge could be built to the east connecting Sien Lok park to Prince's Island, with an 'express' cycle track going under the LRT once it starts to climb on Prince's Island, then reconnecting to the main pathway at 3rd ave via a new Jaipur bridge (which is due for replacement anyway). There could be a flat at grade crossing at 2nd ave oriented towards pedestrians and 'local' bike traffic going into Eau Claire. That would probably be an improvement in cycling compared to the current setup with cyclists and pedestrians sharing the same area.
I was thinking the same thing. We have an at grade crossing at 4th avenue, where cyclists and pedestrians can cross, as well as the one under the bridge. Should be able to do the same in Eau Claire.
Is there enough room though? 2nd street It doesn't look wide enough to have bidirectional tracks, and also an access road to the underground parkade. Or are you referring to the Eau Claire Mall? I believe @Silence&Motion is referring top the small cluster of townhomes.
Oh yeah. Lots of room. 12 meters is more than wide enough. Just under half a woonerf, half LRT.
This debacle is so friggin embarrassing. Now we're going to have another at-grade station downtown, with more pedestrian track crossings... in the middle of our downtown goddamn core. Colour me pissed.
Any chance they can get rid of Eau Claire market, and have it come out of the ground there? It should allow enough distance to have it go up over the path.
This debacle is so friggin embarrassing. Now we're going to have another at-grade station downtown, with more pedestrian track crossings... in the middle of our downtown goddamn core. Colour me pissed.

To quote you from another thread "Are we in bizzarro world???". An at grade crossing on the river pathway is bonkers...
Do we know where the "bad soil" is? Maybe a portal could be done on island, and tunnel under the lagoon.

This would keep the west end wetlands connected to the rest of the park... Though I still think a bridge over the island is not great...
Here's another question. Would tunneling be easier if done around 4th or 5th street instead of 2nd? It would also allow the LRT to move deeper into the Beltline...granted that would cost extra money.
Possibly. One of the PDFs posted this week has the rough outline of the sand trap that causes some of the issues. Risk is that after coring on another route, it could be challenging in other ways.
Any chance they can get rid of Eau Claire market, and have it come out of the ground there? It should allow enough distance to have it go up over the path.
Yes, just need to coordinate and provide some compensation.
Seeing as the Eau Market re-do project is dead, maybe the station could be the catalyst for redevelopment? Instead of Eau Claire market it becomes Eau Claire Station. Retail, residential and some office, but with a station...if the station has to be above ground, that might be the best way to turn the situation around.
