So literally this thing turned out identical to the render, if not better! What a little gem! :)
I wish Alberta Ballet was in this building. It would make taking our daughter to class a lot more interesting!
I wish Alberta Ballet was in this building. It would make taking our daughter to class a lot more interesting!

Enroll your daughter in a DJD class or take a class yourself. They have some really great programs for kids and adults. DJD has done a phenomenal job of using the theatre on the second floor with a view of downtown. Their show last year called "New Universe" had an amazing reveal at the end. (opening the curtains for a view of downtown) Juliet and Romeo, their latest production was one of the best live shows I have ever seen. The curtains were open the entire time, a live band playing from the top of scaffolding, Cory Bowles narrating (Trailer Park Boys), the use of car lights shining on dancers in the parking lot to start the show and an amazing solo performance that used the building's amazingness in such a subtle and powerful way.
That lighting/mural/graphic at the top is impressive. Does anyone know what material the graphic is? It appears that parts of the mural show in specific colours and not in others, which gives it some motion.
I've seen optical illusions like that before at a friends house. It's very cool and unheard of at least in Canada for a building to have a crown like that.
I asked my friend about the material and this is his reply "It's not what the material is, it's that additive and subtractive colours are at play. The colours of the mural clash with the colours of the LEDs. And some of the characters have a hard and some a soft edge giving the image depth and motion feel as some colours fade away and some pop out."
I asked my friend about the material and this is his reply "It's not what the material is, it's that additive and subtractive colours are at play. The colours of the mural clash with the colours of the LEDs. And some of the characters have a hard and some a soft edge giving the image depth and motion feel as some colours fade away and some pop out."

Amazing! Thanks for looking into that and letting us know. These are exactly the types of things that we need more of and Architects getting the right artistic/technical people involved plays a huge role in it.
I asked my friend about the material and this is his reply "It's not what the material is, it's that additive and subtractive colours are at play. The colours of the mural clash with the colours of the LEDs. And some of the characters have a hard and some a soft edge giving the image depth and motion feel as some colours fade away and some pop out."
Thanks for the explanation. I thought there was depth to some of the pieces. Must have been some of the fuzzy edges.

This is a very underrated piece of artwork IMO.
Thanks for the explanation. I thought there was depth to some of the pieces. Must have been some of the fuzzy edges.

This is a very underrated piece of artwork IMO.
Something that flew under the radar. It's nice to have something that had no advanced billing turn out so well.
I showed him this thread last night and he was very interested. I'm hoping he signs up to give more detailed information. But in the meantime, he also told me it runs on around an hour loop and has a sunset and sunrise setting, coming on half an hour before sunset and going off half an hour after sunrise. He also said that it was commissioned from an artist.

He mentioned that the Brookfield place is going to have something similar. Not to get hopes up or anything! Haha.

Another cool thing that happened over the course of the construction was that a visual artist took pictures of the building everyday from a mounted camera and is going to put it together in a time lapse. He seemed to think the time lapse would be finished soon.
That's awesome. I did a tour of the building a while back and wrote an article about it a while back. I was thinking of contacting the building people again to see if I could do a tour and article on the lightbox.
The lightbox isn't much more expensive than any other lightbox but what a difference a little creativity makes.
I'd love to hear what he has to say, I'm always pessimistic about commissioned art but this is one has turned out very well.
I showed him this thread last night and he was very interested. I'm hoping he signs up to give more detailed information. But in the meantime, he also told me it runs on around an hour loop and has a sunset and sunrise setting, coming on half an hour before sunset and going off half an hour after sunrise. He also said that it was commissioned from an artist.

He mentioned that the Brookfield place is going to have something similar. Not to get hopes up or anything! Haha.

Another cool thing that happened over the course of the construction was that a visual artist took pictures of the building everyday from a mounted camera and is going to put it together in a time lapse. He seemed to think the time lapse would be finished soon.
