Senior Member
hoping over time some of the street level retail moves up the food chain from nail salons etc.
Late summer seems doable. In a couple of weeks the top floor will be poured, and exterior material and inside work will start. With it only being 4 floors, could be open by September.Perhaps late summer/September maybe? Doesn't look like they've started interior fittings at all yet.
This side is black, north facade will be white.
I think it could look good as long at it is uniform and doesn't have some off-colour mullions (mullions are okay if the same colour as panel). The more simple they go, i think the better it'll look in contrast to the Simmons building.Without getting a really good look at the black material, it's hard to judge but so far I would say it looks good. Flat looking, but having a fair bit of specular properties ....enough to make it interesting..