There are projects around the country in sales that haven't gone through land use. It's advantageous to start early as the risk, if any, is minimal. The buyers are ones being ballsy or dumb depending how you look at it. They can end up being priced out of a market like Vancouver or Toronto having their deposits returned one to four years later. It happened in Calgary too pre 2008.
This is a new 'condo for sale' project which is unusual in today's inner city market. With lower price points, they must be targeting the customer who is on the fence about renting versus buying.
Probably. The location is solid, but highrise condos are a struggle these days.
I'm assuming it was appealed for the usual reasons, traffic/parking and maybe shadowing? Interesting thing is that it's in the Beltline surrounded by other high-rises. Surprised anyone would bother to appeal.
Looks good, like I've said a few times now, the glass will look great among all that red and brown brick.

Are those townhouses or retail bays on the podium? Look like townhouses, but retail bays would be great.
Why retail? 14Ave is a quiet street with little foot traffic, townhomes are perfect there. 14St is a block away, there's lots of retail there, 12th and 11th aves have a good amount of retail already, and 17th is 3 blocks away and 11 st has some retail as well. Not every single block in the inner city is appropriate for retail, it should be focused on existing retail streets until those streets are built out.
I'm assuming it was appealed for the usual reasons, traffic/parking and maybe shadowing? Interesting thing is that it's in the Beltline surrounded by other high-rises. Surprised anyone would bother to appeal.
It's probably the same people who appealed the rental tower on 16Ave and 12St. I remember they tried to get me to sign their appeal of that one and got really mad when I laughed at them for saying this wasn't the appropriate place for a tower lol.
Was just going through this ones website and it looks like it's 26% sold so far. Not terrible, but not great.
