This render seems to show a fair bit more detail on the materials. Also they are 28% sold as far as I can see on the floorplan section of their website; 49 units of 177. Not terrible really, but certainly not great. I wouldn't be too surprised to see this start late this year or early next. It's an extremely desirable location.


I had a look at while in Calgary. Has anyone lived in a place with exposed concrete flooring and ceilings? Do they hold stains? Like grease in the kitchen or front entrance dirt? Does the sound bounce to much? I’ve seen it done pretty bad in 6th and 10. Rough surfaces and multiple shades. Building seems to be decent value.
I had a look at while in Calgary. Has anyone lived in a place with exposed concrete flooring and ceilings? Do they hold stains? Like grease in the kitchen or front entrance dirt? Does the sound bounce to much? I’ve seen it done pretty bad in 6th and 10. Rough surfaces and multiple shades. Building seems to be decent value.
Exposed concrete if y sealed won't stain and can be cleaned easily. Sealing it is something you can do your self, and is pretty straight forward if using a roller with an extended handle. Sound bounces somewhat, but depends on how much furniture you have - the more furniture the less bounce.
Exposed concrete if y sealed won't stain and can be cleaned easily. Sealing it is something you can do your self, and is pretty straight forward if using a roller with an extended handle. Sound bounces somewhat, but depends on how much furniture you have - the more furniture the less bounce.
You can buy the concrete sealer from Home Depot and ply it yourself easily enough.

I had a look at while in Calgary. Has anyone lived in a place with exposed concrete flooring and ceilings? Do they hold stains? Like grease in the kitchen or front entrance dirt? Does the sound bounce to much? I’ve seen it done pretty bad in 6th and 10. Rough surfaces and multiple shades. Building seems to be decent value.
Concrete floors are noisier than carpet, but less noisy than hardwood IMO.
I had a look at while in Calgary. Has anyone lived in a place with exposed concrete flooring and ceilings? Do they hold stains? Like grease in the kitchen or front entrance dirt? Does the sound bounce to much? I’ve seen it done pretty bad in 6th and 10. Rough surfaces and multiple shades. Building seems to be decent value.
Two of my friends live in colours and I think it is gorgeous. As others have mentioned, once the concrete is sealed it is easy to clean and maintain.
I had a look at while in Calgary. Has anyone lived in a place with exposed concrete flooring and ceilings? Do they hold stains? Like grease in the kitchen or front entrance dirt? Does the sound bounce to much? I’ve seen it done pretty bad in 6th and 10. Rough surfaces and multiple shades. Building seems to be decent value.

Everything about 6th and Tenth was done badly though, I wouldn't ever live in anything by Lamb again. I wouldn't live somewhere with unsealed concrete again, it gave off an insane amount of dust and rubbed off on any clothes or sheets that touched it.

Battistella normally seal their exposed concrete, which means its practically indestructible and impossible to stain.
Agree about the sealed concrete. Unsealed it's a pain in the butt, basically think of a garage. You seal it and it's really easy to clean, and doesn't really succumb to wear and tear like most flooring.
62 units sold (35%), as of their last website update.
It depends. In the past when the market was booming some projects were commencing with 50% sold, because the pace was consistent, and units were moving along well. I would suspect in this market it would be much higher.
I know for Annex, they were below 50%. Well below. So I guess it depends.
