I probably had the biggest smile on my face when I was took that pic today. People probably thought I was mental.
I imagine they're just doing the East first, though I have no info to say they won't start the West tower as well. It would at least be nice if they did the entire parking and then retail podium. That way, the west tower can just easily begin construction as long as rental market conditions remain favourable.
Oh my god :eek: That's rough. Well thank god this got started before the shock hits again. I guess it should be noted that Western Canadian Select is "only" down 15%, so thank gods for small miracles? ?‍♂️

Edit: Oh, right, the Calgary Stock Exchange hasn't opened yet today. Wompwomp
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With the Russians and the Saudis Fighting it Out on Oil Prices Who Else will Get Involved to Retain
Their so Called "Market Share"? This could get very Interesting in the Next Few Months.. With the Virus Mess Doing the Rounds in Iran and other Countries things could get a Lot Worse.What I Hate
a Lot is Alberta/Saskatchewan Stand to get Hit Hard and that Impacts Our Economics More then
Most People realize.
Tnx, Operater.
